Senator Babet.

Logo of the Telegram channel Senator Babet.
Conservative and staunch patriot. Authorised by Senator Babet, UAP, Canberra.
Media is too big
When Trump dodged a bullet, we all dodged a bullet.
He is no longer just a man; he is a symbol. A symbol who stands for the rejection of global authoritarianism, the promotion of liberty and the desire of the human spirit to be free from the shackles of a modern form of feudalism.

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Over time the populace becomes so inured to a system that is designed to keep them poor, uninformed and weak that they will even fight to protect this system. These people are truly lost. Can they be saved?
Media is too big
Dodging bullets.
Feminine men are easier to control and manipulate.
See you all on Sunday.

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The Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024 has been referred to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications.

The committee has allowed just one week for the Australian people to have their say on what is arguably one of the worst bills to have ever been brought into the Australian Parliament.

Unfortunately many Australians have had trouble accessing the bill online due to the website experiencing technical difficulties. For this reason I have written to the committee and requested additional time be given so that the Australian people can lodge their submissions.

This bill poses a serious threat to freedom of expression and will likely result in the censorship of much true and accurate information.

An extension to the date for submissions is not guaranteed, so please act now! Join me in opposing this draconian bill. Take the time to prepare a formal submission and let the committee and the government know your thoughts.

Click here to lodge your submission and please ask your friends and family to do the same (hopefully it works) -

You can also email your submission here - [email protected]

May the government listen to the people. Long live free speech!
Media is too big
Free speech is under threat. Help me defend it, sign my petition here:
Media is too big
The Liberal Party has been infiltrated by left wing ideologues. Can they be saved? United Australia Party

Help me push back against the radical left. Join The Movement -
Media is too big
Far left marxists have infected our institutions and halls of power. They are on a mission to destroy our nation. Stand with me.
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WARNING: Leftist ideology threatens to dismantle Western civilisation. Militant adherents are aggressively promoting policies that undermine our cultural heritage, economic stability, family values, and core institutions. The impact of this ideology is universally destructive and will bring about our end.

You likely already know this, now my question to you is, what are you going to do about it?

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Prominent activist Monica Smit has been ordered to pay more than $200,000 in legal costs after a court found she was unlawfully arrested during anti-lockdown protests in Melbourne in October 2020.

Ms Smit was awarded $4000 in damages after two of her three claims were successful, but substantial costs were awarded to the Victorian government on Friday as she had turned down a pre-trial settlement of $15,000.

Taking to social media on Friday evening, Ms Smit described the costs as “quite shocking” adding she was “punished for making a point”.

“We did get a fair hearing but I don’t think this is fair,” she said.

“Do you think it’s fair for someone from the public to win their case and then have a $200,000 costs order against them? I don’t think people know that this happens — I don’t think that people know that this is the risk people take to stand up to authorities — and now they’re going to know.”

The founder of the Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA) lobby group was arrested three times during the October 31, 2020 “Stop the Sale of Victoria” protest at Treasury Gardens, which was organised to oppose the strict Covid measures of then-Premier Daniel Andrews.

The 36-year-old sued the Victorian government for false imprisonment in July.

The County Court of Victoria on Thursday ruled two of the three arrests were unlawful, as the government had failed in those instances to prove the elements required under section 458 of the Crimes Act for summary arrest.

“I have found that Smit was falsely imprisoned on two of the three occasions that she was arrested,” County Court Judge My Anh Tran said in her published decision, which noted there was “special and enduring protection afforded by the common law to the human right to liberty”.

Read more here -
Media is too big
The world needs more politicians who are willing to speak truth.

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They're not after Trump, they're after you, he is just standing in their way.
Is the party of Menzies still alive?
Media is too big
Government will always turn authoritarian.
Media is too big
Will people vote this government back into power or will they show them the door at the next election? Let me know in the comments.

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Your boy in the lions den this afternoon arguing for all our rights to speak freely. How do you think it went?