Plastic doesn't belong in the oceans - Stop killing animals / El plástico no pertenece a los océanos - Dejen de matar animales

Logo of the Telegram channel Plastic doesn't belong in the oceans - Stop killing animals / El plástico no pertenece a los océanos - Dejen de matar animales
By @ClimateChangeTelegram @MeteoTelegram @AnimalFreaks @GenRevolutionOfficial @MissionArctic @MissionAntartika @MisionFuture @IsraelWarAnimalRights @MissionEcocide @WorldWar3Facts @ScienceFactsChannels @FactsTelegramChannels @LawsTelegram etc.
Now is time to talk about a new law we support and being part of ecocide!

because seriously we have ENOUGH to see such shit! This has something to do with Anzeigenhauptmeister too

Like said we find such things ridiculous BUT we need to be honest. Not all what he is doing is ridiculous! There are for sure some well done 🅿️ crimes too ...
because considering all such things as innocent would be bullshit!

Now obviously we don't talk to make fines for 🅿️ wrongly or whatever ... this is not our priority and would not contrast criminality too.

So we continue to see trash on the streets and seriously we are of the opinion that:

a) more police dressed as civil need to be present on the street! So again, we need to invest much more in police, instead of military!

b) what is the goal of such civil (armed) police? Contrasting criminality! making fines for not respecting laws (doesn't matter if someone is driving too fast, is parking wrongly without respecting important laws, discriminating people, etc.) and even applying huge fines if they caught someone trashing things on the street!

c) how much should cost such fines?

THEY NEED TO COST A LOT! No empathy for such crimes!

If you trash a bottle on the street = 1000 CHF fine! and even up to 20-50k CHF for millionaires! Yes, 50000 CHF for a single trashed bottle on the street! if there is a proof behind such action!

It's time to contrast pollution in the cities! Let we remember that such action doesn't happen only in cities, but everywhere! Results of this crime? @Theriocide and pollution!

So again, we support a more aggressive way to contrast such things, because fines of 50 CHF are just ridiculous! Will never change something!

This near increasing cost of 🍸, 🚬, 🛢, ⛽️, etc.

Polluting and not respecting laws should COST MONEY!
WWF calls for a global ban on ‘harmful and unnecessary’ single-use plastic items, such as vapes, cutlery and cosmetic microplastics, ahead of key UN plastic pollution treaty talks

While plastic is cheap and versatile, with countless uses across many industries, almost half of all plastic is used to create short-lived or single-use products that can spend hundreds of years degrading – and most of which are consumed in high and upper-middle income countries. Research shows that by 2015, 60% of all plastics ever produced had already reached their end of life and been discarded. Globally, less than 10% of plastic products are recycled
Prevention of pollution from land-based sources is key. Eliminating coal combustion and banning all uses of mercury will reduce mercury pollution. Bans on single-use plastic and better management of plastic waste reduce plastic pollution. Bans on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have reduced pol- lution by PCBs and DDT. Control of industrial discharges, treatment of sewage, and reduced applica- tions of fertilizers have mitigated coastal pollution and are reducing frequency of HABs. National, regional and international marine pollution control programs that are adequately funded and backed by strong enforcement have been shown to be e ective. Robust monitoring is essential to track progress.

Further interventions that hold great promise include wide-scale transition to renewable fuels; transi- tion to a circular economy that creates little waste and focuses on equity rather than on endless growth; embracing the principles of green chemistry; and building scienti c capacity in all countries.
Designation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) will safeguard critical ecosystems, protect vulnerable sh stocks, and enhance human health and well-being. Creation of MPAs is an important manifestation of national and international commitment to protecting the health of the seas.

PS: Paralytic Shellfish Poison (PSP) is a naturally occurring marine biotoxin that is produced by some species of microscopic algae. Shellfish eat these algae and can retain the toxin. People can become ill from eating shellfish contaminated with Paralytic Shellfish Poison. This biotoxin affects the nervous system and paralyzes muscles, thus the term "paralytic" shellfish poison. High levels of Paralytic Shellfish Poison can cause severe illness and death