Years upon years had drifted by, the king discovered that the dragons ceased to manifest. For in those eggs lay the promise of magic reborn, a flicker of hope that the ancient dragons might one day rise again, the king held faith those eggs would confer prosperity and delight across the kingdom. Now the great hunt for her eggs would begin, hundreds of eggs of all sizes, a prize fit for a everyone. So, now the treasure hunt would soon begin. A hum of excitement stirred the air in the kingdom, from the smallest villages to the grandest castles. Banners were unfurled, and the call to adventure rang out across the land. Knights, scholars, and common townsfolks alike prepared for the journey, each dreaming of the glory and untold riches that awaited the one who might find the most precious of all — the Egg of the Red Dragon.
歲月流逝,國王發現龍已不再現身。這些龍蛋中蘊含著魔法般重生的希望,古老的龍有朝一日再度蓋世的可能,國王堅信這些龍蛋將為王國帶來繁榮與喜悅。全國對龍蛋展開大規模搜尋,數以百計各式大小的蛋,適合每個人尋找的寶藏。現在全國上上下下展開了尋寶活動。從最小的村莊到最宏偉的城堡,整個王國充滿著興奮的氛圍。旗幟飄揚,冒險的號角響徹大地。騎士、學者和普通市民都為這場旅程做好準備,每個人都夢想著榮耀和無盡財富的可能,希望找到這最珍貴之寶藏 ─ 紅龍之龍蛋。
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