Newt's death is the reason that Anthony is such an angry kid, not only he lost the only person who could understand and defend* him, but also he probably had a fall out with his brother and he loses him before he gets the chance to make up with him
*Some of the reasons behind Anthony's anger are the people that are so blinded and hateful that hurt other people without a second thought That, and also the fact that he just doesn't have control over everything and his solution to cope is to get angry at the situation or how people act
The thought of his brother haunts him every, something that he often rejects and pushes back because he blames himself for it, until he comes to the acceptance that his brother probably forgives him and he should stop blaming himself for everything
Aside from the obvious name parallel, Nathan pretty much takes the place of Anthony's bigger brother at some point; Something that he realizes but feels guilty about.
Nate has different mannerisms than newt, being a lot more closed off and calm mannered; but still having the recklessness and the risky personality in him He also makes a lot of stupid decisions, this time dragging Anthony into some of them; But he also is one of the few people that understands Anthony’s frustration and doesn't judge him for the person that he is (ex ant feels comfortable being open with him)
•newts death
An accident happening after Anthony and Newt have a very minor falling out due to Anthony sharing a secret they have between them to their parents (something that maybe will cause them to take some of the privileges newt has, maybe he has a illness) Ends with Newt wanting to have some space away from from his little brother, heading off to work Anthony tells himself to not worry as he will see his older brother again, like how he always comes back from work. Maybe then they can make up and then Newt will take him out to a restaurant or buy him a gift, like he always does. But he never comes back.
Newt is a kind hearted teenager that is a bit hotheaded and longs for trouble (Anthony always scolds him about it because he doesn't want to lose him, but also kinda praises him for it) He is, as said by Anthony, a screw up; someone who would make a lot of stupid decisions (a lot of which his parents didn't like very much) but he also was very much dear to Anthony's heart; and he never hesitated to make sure he knew that.
He used to look up to him and his rebellious attitude, and to him his brother was the closest person in his life as he understood him the way no other person did
داستان داخل شهری به اسم آرکیدیا اتفاق میوفته، جایی که انتونی و نیثن بهش سفر کردن تا فرصت های بهتری واسه رسیدن به شغل رویاهاشون داشته باشن (و با این یارو هکره شاون آشنا میشن) به دلیل اتفاقات خععلی تعسف بار مجبور شدن با یک کپانی قرار ببندن و کار های کثیفشونو واسشون در اضای پول انجام بدن خیلی دوست دارم بیشتر توضیح بدم ولی متاسفانه داستان اونقدرا که دوست دارم کامل نیست.. واسه همین فعلا همین رو داشته باشید
هیچکس نمیدونه این موجودات دقیقا از کجا اومدن و خیلی اطلاعات در موردشون در دسترس نیس چون پدیده جدیدین، ولی تنها چیزی که نیازه بدونید اینه که تسخیر شدنا فقط محدود به یه منطقه مشخص هست
داستان تو آینده نزدیک درون شهری به اسم "آرکیدیا" اتفاق میوفته، جایی که تسخیر شدن و استفاده کردن از قدرت ها غیر قانونیه و کسی که استفاده میکنه رو میتونن دستگیر کنن و به facility برده میشن تا ازشون "مراقبت شه"
گونه کمیابی از این پاراسایت ها وجود داره به اسم "inverse entropy" یا "white entropy" که شکل یک سایه سفید رو میگیرن و برعکس یه قدرت رو به انسان میدن که اکثر اوقات بخاطر بدشانسی طرف هست چون جز اینکه شخص بتونه راهی واسه استفاده درست ازین قدرت رو پیدا کنه، قدرت میتونه بیشتر ضرر برسونه تا سود
مثلا نیثن حواس پنج گانه بشدت قوی ای داره که یا خیلی بدردش میخوره چون همیشه از محیطش آگاهه یا میتونع روانیش کنه
از عوارض تسخیر شدن کم شدن عمره چون این انتروپی ها از درون بدن رو میخورن
این پاراسایت ها میتونن فرم یه حیوون/موجود زنده (خییییییلی کمیاب انسان) که از سایه درست شده رو بگیرن آگاه نیستن ولی تا حدی میشه باهاشون ارتباط برقرار کرد فورم فیزیکشون صرفا یه پروجکشنه و موجودیت خارجی نداره