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👁[ You see something engulfed in teal flames. It is chasing a Pirate Guild soldier... ] ; 🗣[ "Goddamn it, no! Stay away from me! What the hell are you?! HELP!!!" ] ; 👾[ The soldier screamed for help, but before you could do anything to help him, the fiery creature grabbed him in its mouth and bit him in two, killing the poor guy ] ; 👹[ It was her, Sonia's alter ego that burst out of her in moments of danger, interrogating her enemies with the sudden contrast between her adorable human form and the terrifying creature that brutally tore her enemies apart. The creature raised her muzzle to the night sky and let out a deafening howl of victory like a fierce animal... ] ; 💙💚🔥[ Flame is going to appear in the area soon. Make sure that you do not look like a soldier of the Pirate Guild, because otherwise she obviously wouldn't like you... ] ;
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