ㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𝆹𝅥ׄ˖雨 ۪𖠗 𝓡𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝓟𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐞 ✿ ᵎᵎཻུ⸙
🌧 you walk down a very lonely street, and dance in the pouring rain, run, sing, and enjoy moments like that
☃️. You feel you have a friendly relationship with the rain, you really like the rain
☔️. but, you feel so lonely, and have no friends, you ponder, "who wants to be friends with me anyway."
🤕 you start to stop dancing and singing just then
🌧 Someone came and said
🎭. “Many want to be friends with you, you can visit
@RainingPromote to find friends.” someone said
😲. the person points the direction of the location of
@RainingPromote 🌦 . here's the location
🌧 You feel happy, many invite you to be friends
🫂 and invite you to enjoy the rain while dancing and singing
🎤🎼. you smile happily
🛹. hey.. why just look? let's visit.. many want to be friends with you!
😉. . ⇢
https://t.center/RainingPromote ˎˊ˗ ꒰
🧊 ꒱
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https://t.center/RainingPromote ˎˊ˗ ꒰
🧊 ꒱
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https://t.center/RainingPromote ˎˊ˗ ꒰
🧊 ꒱
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https://t.center/RainingPromote ˎˊ˗ ꒰
🧊 ꒱
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https://t.center/RainingPromote ˎˊ˗ ꒰
🧊 ꒱
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# here's the hastag !
🍶#tomodachi #bersama #other #takoipm #HarithPM #ranlinpm #holopm #STUNpromote #TApromote #JinyChannel #JinyoungPm #NimeDachi #Zukodachi #𝐍𝐂promote #𝗡𝘆a𝗻𝗸𝗼All #Ridachi #Rimurupm #tomodachi #all #mochapm #𝐆Promote #YamList #YamAll #𝗠ythia𝗣romote #MythiaPromote #𝗧𝗣dachi #𝚖𝚟all #𝚖𝚟pm #Arxyapromote #𝐊𝐏romoteu #ClyndricaPm #𝐃reamer𝐀ll #𝙂ami𝙰ll #mikichhelp #mikichpm #FangDachi #Marukipromote #flⱺrỿnαll #DoraPm #Freeze #Havenspm #𝗦𝗪𝗗𝘋𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪 #KaguyaPm #𝐈ᥴᥱᥣᥲndPm #𝗗ch #𝐒tars #𝓭𝓐pm #𝓭𝓐𝘱𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘦 #CottonDachi #𝐑ickyall #EllenaPM #ℋealchannel #ℋealAll #𝐂aserPromote #𝐂aserPm #𝐂aserall #𝐂aserch #YCDachi #Dreampm #𝓟alacepm #𝓟alaceall #HaroHapiPromote #𝗚𝐇ost #𝗚𝐇all #CheesPm #𝐌𝐐pm #𝐕oc𝐀ll #𝙂𝗔𝙇𝗔𝙓𝗬𝖺𝘭𝗅𖤐