We will create the first and last meme dedicated to the long 7 months of development and creation of a family of cats. The sol Catap fund will be used for buybacks, market making and advertising campaigns. This is the only correct decision we came to.
We do not want to mislead you, so it will not be the $MLK token. In this case, such a distribution of meme tokens becomes impossible among all participants in the farming, I understand that those who farm MLK are furious, but unfortunately we will not be able to afford the content of the technical token project.
However, as we said, we are grateful to the community for participating in our NFT SALE and believe that these chads should be rewarded. Yesterday we took a snapshot of all nft holders and are pleased to announce that part of the tokens of our main meme will be airdropped to all 372 nft that were included in the list.