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Telegram's Message Limit: Old Messages Gone Forever Telegram's main web page boasts that the service has «no limits» on the size of chats. However, with careful testing, we can find this statement false — that after a given number of messages (around 1 million), Telegram will stop serving you your own messages. This limitation is found both in channels/supergroups as well as private messages as a whole. Those encountering this problem in the wild are ostensibly active telegram users and group chats — communities and people most dependent on this messenger. Take for example a popular bots developer who "mistakenly" set his bots to send logs as private messages and thereby lost a lot of messages from important private chats: (in Russian). Ultimately this leads to hacks and workarounds — active telegram users must keep in mind this limit and create separate channels for their doge memes, music, bot logs, etc. For many large telegram communities with thousands of users in supergroups this also presents a problem of continuity that is unavoidable: old messages simply perish and important history is irrecoverable. ❗️ You can help in a simple way: click on the 🌐 link (no authorization required) and 👍 like it.
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