ㅤㅤㅤㅤ♥️🪡› admin attributes
utilizing your attributes as long as your part of @SUGARTAENNIEOFChttps://t.center/IDCTEAMSGTN/165
buka link untuk idc admin ⏏️
◐ . founder ↺. fosgtn
◐ . cfounder ↺. cfosgtn
◐ . owner ↺. ownsgtn
◐ . cowner ↺. cownsgtn
◐ . inti/core ↺. intisgtn
◐ . team ↺. teamsgtn
(tap autocopy)
pdn : untuk admin wajib di dn tidak boleh di bio
proper use of attributes is essential, and unauthorized removal will result in a reprimand.