🎸 !!
ჩִꫀֺׅ֪࣪𐔤᜔ׂׂ, ძ᮫ִֺׂ࣪ׄ𐔖ָֹ໋֮࣪ 𐔤᜔ׂׂ𐔖ָֹ໋֮࣪υ᜔꫶ַ֗ k᮫๋ׅ֗֨ࣳׄ࣪ꪀ᜔ִַֺׂ֪֡𐔖ָֹ໋֮࣪ᨰ᜔݂࣪ 𐐼᮫ׂׅხַׂ࣭֗𐔖ָֹ໋֮࣪υ᜔꫶ַ֗ȶ࣭࣪֗ 𐐼᮫ׂׅ ᥋᮫ׂׅׅ֮ׄჩִ𐐼᮫ׂׅꪀ᜔ִַֺׂ֪֡ꪀ᜔ִַֺׂ֪֡ꫀֺׅ֪࣪ᥣ᮫ַ֡࣪ ꪀ᜔ִַֺׂ֪֡𐐼᮫ׂׅო᜔ֺׂ໋︩ࣳꫀֺׅ֪࣪ძ᮫ִֺׂ࣪ׄ
𐔤᜔ׂׂꫀֺׅ֪࣪𐑈᮫ׅ࣪, ꪱ᜔ִ۫ȶ࣭࣪֗'𐑈᮫ׅ࣪ 𐐼᮫ׂׅ ᥋᮫ׂׅׅ֮ׄჩִ𐐼᮫ׂׅꪀ᜔ִַֺׂ֪֡ꪀ᜔ִַֺׂ֪֡ꫀֺׅ֪࣪ᥣ᮫ַ֡࣪ ȶ࣭ׅ࣪֗ׄჩִ𐐼᮫ׂׅȶ࣭࣪֗ ƒׂ࣭֮֨࣪υ᜔꫶ַ֗ᥣ᮫ַ֡࣪ᥣ᮫ַ֡࣪ 𐔖ָֹ໋֮࣪ƒׂ࣭֮֨࣪ 𐑈᮫ׅ࣪ȶ࣭࣪֗ꪱ᜔ִ۫᥋᮫ׂׅ֮k᮫๋ׅ֗֨ࣳׄ࣪ꫀֺׅ֪࣪ꭈ꫶ַ֗֨𐑈᮫ׅ࣪!
ძ᮫ִֺׂ࣪ׄ𐔖ָֹ໋֮࣪ 𐔤᜔ׂׂ𐔖ָֹ໋֮࣪υ᜔꫶ַ֗ ᨰ᜔݂࣪𐐼᮫ׂׅꪀ᜔ִַֺׂ֪֡ȶ࣭࣪֗ ȶ࣭࣪֗𐔖ָֹ໋֮࣪ ᥋᮫ׂׅ֮𐔖ָֹ໋֮࣪ᥣ᮫ַ֡࣪ᥣ᮫ַ֡࣪ꫀֺׅ֪࣪᥋᮫ׂׅ֮ȶ࣭࣪֗ 𐑈᮫ׅ࣪ȶ࣭࣪֗ꪱ᜔ִ۫᥋᮫ׂׅ֮k᮫๋ׅ֗֨ࣳׄ࣪ꫀֺׅ֪࣪ꭈ꫶ַ֗֨ 𐔖ָֹ໋֮࣪ꪀ᜔ִַֺׂ֪֡ ȶ࣭ׅ࣪֗ׄჩִ𐐼᮫ׂׅȶ࣭࣪֗ ᥋᮫ׂׅׅ֮ׄჩִ𐐼᮫ׂׅꪀ᜔ִַֺׂ֪֡ꪀ᜔ִַֺׂ֪֡ꫀֺׅ֪࣪ᥣ᮫ַ֡࣪? 𐔤᜔ׂׂ𐔖ָֹ໋֮࣪υ᜔꫶ַ֗ 𐐼᮫ׂׅꭈ꫶ַ֗֨ꫀֺׅ֪࣪ ᨰ᜔݂࣪ꫀֺׅ֪࣪ᥣ᮫ַ֡࣪᥋᮫ׂׅ֮𐔖ָֹ໋֮࣪ო᜔ֺׂ໋︩ࣳꫀֺׅ֪࣪ძ᮫ִֺׂ࣪ׄ!
𝚰꯱ׁׅ ݂𐐼ֹ݂ ֺ݂ꭒֺֺ݂݂꯱ׁׅׄᥱ᳝݂ׄׄ𝖿ֺ݂ꭒֺֺ݂݂ᥣֺ݂ ֹᥴִׄჩׁ֪݂𐐼ֹ݂݂ꬻֺ݂݂ꬻֺ݂ׄᥱ᳝ׄᥣֺ݂ ֺ݂ȶֺֺ݂𐐫ֺ݂ ֹᥴִֺׄ𐐫ֺ݂ᥣֺ݂ᥣֺ݂ׄᥱֹ᳝ׄᥴִֺ݂ׄȶֺ݂ ꬺׁׅ݂𐐼ֹ݂݂ꬻֺֺ݂݂ᨮֺ݂ ꯱ֺׁׅ݂ȶֺ݂ıֹׁׅᥴִׄƙׁׅׄᥱֺ᳝݂ׄꭉֺ݂꯱ׁׅ, 𝐒ֺ𐐫ֺ݂ ᨰֺ݂ჩׁ֪݂𐐼ֹֺ݂݂ȶֺ݂ ݂𐐼ֹֺ݂݂ꭉֺ݂ׄᥱ᳝ׄ ֺ݂ᨮֺֺ݂𐐫ֺֺ݂݂ꭒֺֺ݂݂ ᨰֺ݂݂𐐼ֹ݂ıֺׁׅ݂ȶֺ݂ıׁׅ݂ꬻֺ݂ꬶׅ࣪ ݂ׄ𝖿ֺ𐐫ֺֺ݂݂ꭉֺ݂? 𝐋ׄᥱֺ᳝݂ׄȶֺ݂'꯱ׁׅ ֺʝֺ݂࣪𐐫ֺ݂ıׁׅ݂ꬻֺ݂
౨ৎ ׄׄ 𝆹La beauté des mélodies from the strumming of the guitar and from the beat of the drums it reaches your ears. Une salle de musique issued a very beautiful melody like a newly blooming flower. You find a band named
@Hokagoband who is making stickers. Venez nous rejoindre!
֪ ׁ 𐇵 They all provide anime stickers, comics, and many more! Une belle fille start strumming the guitar so you are captivated by the band and join them
https://t.center/HokagoBand ]
https://t.center/HokagoBand ]
https://t.center/HokagoBand ]
Hastag ::
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