Conquering our gracious salutations to our beloved and the most important part of the journey of ours, Creamies! It's been such a wonderful yet unforgettable long journey that we have been walked through together. Hence, sadly, we really have to send this heart-breaking announcement— Aescrime has disbanded by today and will not being able to continue the journey. And starting from this day, all of the activities which concluding the team's participant such as SFS, sharing twibbon or poster, and this channel' activities will be stopped eventually. The bot is still widely open just for our beloved Creamies who would want to greets a simple hi to our members.
Here, I'm closing my announcement by sending so much gratitudes to our members and Creamies for accompanying and supporting the journey of Aescrime for more than two years, and we have to close this book starting by today.
Much Love,