Active Club Latvia pulcÄ vÄ«rieÅ”us, kam kopÄ«gs nacionÄlisma sentiments, vÄlÄÅ”anÄs veidot brÄlÄ«gu saikni ar lÄ«dzÄ«gi domÄjoÅ”ajiem un kuros valda apziÅa, ka mums paÅ”iem, mÅ«su zemei un mÅ«su cilvÄkiem nepiecieÅ”ami spÄcÄ«gi, veseli un vienoti cilvÄki.
MÄs esam kas vairÄk kÄ tikai fitnesa entuziasti.
Bez regulÄri rÄ«kotajiem, kopÄ«gajiem treniÅiem, kluba biedri Å”ovasar devuÅ”ies kopÄ«gÄ pÄrgÄjienÄ un esam rÄ«kojuÅ”i izbraukuma treniÅu Vidzemes pludmalÄ, ne tikai trenÄdamies, bet arÄ« baudÄ«dami mÅ«su zemes krÄÅ”Åumu un daudzveidÄ«bu.
TÄ pat, Active Club Latvia biedrs piedalÄ«jÄs sadraudzÄ«bas pasÄkumÄ kopÄ ar pÄrstÄvjiem no
@Aktivklubb_Halsingland un
@activeclubnorway, lai uzkÄptu NorvÄÄ£ijas augstÄkajÄ virsotnÄ.
PÄc gara, izaicinoÅ”a kÄpiena kalnÄ, par spÄ«ti nelabvÄlÄ«giem laikapstÄkļiem un citÄm grÅ«tÄ«bÄm, kalna virsotnÄ plÄ«voja arÄ« Active Club Latvia karogs.
Par spÄ«ti liberÄlÄm ilÅ«zijÄm, mÄs dzÄ«vojam laikmetÄ, kurÄ spÄks un gods ir vajadzÄ«gi vairÄk kÄ jebkad iepriekÅ”.
LatvieÅ”iem, tÄ pat kÄ visÄm eiropas brÄlÄ«gajÄm tautÄm un eiropieÅ”u izcelsmes ļaudÄ«m jÄturÄs kopÄ ar savÄjiem. JÄkļūst spÄcÄ«giem un jÄkļūst organizÄtiem.
LÄ«dz uzvarai!
Active Club Latvia rallies men, who share a nationalist sentiment, a wish to create a brotherly bond with likeminded folk and who have the realization that ourselves, our land and our people need healthy, strong and united men.
We're more than just fitness enthusiasts!
In addition to the regularly organized weekly training, this summer AC Latvia club members went hiking as well as went on an away training session to Vidzeme beach, not only to train but also to enjoy and bask in the beauty and diversity that our land offers us.
Besides that, a member of Active Club Latvia participated in a fellowship event, together with representatives from
@Aktivklubb_Halsingland and
@activeclubnorway, to climb the highest mountain peak in Norway.
After a long and challenging climb, despite the adverse weather and other hardships, the flag of Active Club Latvia was brought up to the peak.
In spite of the liberal illusions, we live in a time where strength and honor are needed more than ever.
Latvians, same as all other brotherly European nations and folk of European descent must stick together, get strong and get organized.
To Victory!