Fakten über die vegane Ernährung / Tierschutzrecht / Die Militante Veganerin by NatureFreaks / Swisssthetics / Rationalfood

Logo of the Telegram channel Fakten über die vegane Ernährung / Tierschutzrecht / Die Militante Veganerin by NatureFreaks / Swisssthetics / Rationalfood
Ein Projekt von @GenRevolutionOfficial @RoadToPetabyte @AnimalFreaks Geschrieben von Rationalfood / Swissthetics - Dipl. Ernährungsberatern / Diätetiker aktiv in der Wissenschaft und Bodybuilding-Thematik
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To all people without empathy ... this should maybe happen in the real world too ... maybe after that you will change your 💩 point of view about animals.

When humans are just a source of blood and babies are a source of high quality blood, exactly like animals are just a source of food for most people!

Backup by @VeganFactsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme
Are you seriously? ARE YOU COMPARING WOLF WITH HUMANS???????!

You need to learn more about the wolf ...
before saying bullshit!
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What happened until now? Nothing!

They can still kill, they can still redo the same and all people still give a shit to such story, because it's not about children in Gaza or humans! When 2 injuries are more important than 1500-3000 animals ... Just A SHAME!

One thing is sure.

This story for us WILL NOT END HERE and soon we will launch a project about that.

CEO should get sentenced and do dimission. People in the government who approved that should get sentenced and do dimission ... Governments should start to ban all zoos worldwide!

What happened instead? Exactly like with Norway. Jens Stoltenberg got not sentence after Utøya massacre. Police? Just a sorry months later ... This is not acceptable at all!

Police, Jens and co. are criminals exactly like Breivik ...

Statsministeren beklager at Behring Breivik ikke ble pågrepet tidligere https://perma.cc/2PLF-8MW5

The Prime Minister regrets that Behring Breivik was not arrested earlier

Det er viktig for oss å lære og forbedre rutiner. Målet er ikke å fordele skyld eller peke ut syndebukker. Vi skal være rustet til å håndtere kriser på best mulig måte, og dette arbeidet er allerede i gang, sa Stoltenberg.

It is important for us to learn and improve routines. The aim is not to apportion blame or point out scapegoats. We must be equipped to handle crises in the best possible way, and this work is already underway, said Stoltenberg.

Yes, sure like Germany learned NOTHING FROM BREIVIK!

Well, let we do a rape, at the end i need to learn to "not do a rape" ... WTF!

Breivik by doing a massacre and killing at least 78 people

Police, Jens and all people behind the government for IGNORING TERRORISM AND WARNING SIGNALS!, providing bad rescue, etc.

It's time to sentence all criminals properly! starting from CEOs, people working for government, politicians, etc.

Jeffrey Dahmer .... seems nothing better too ...
We just discovered now that an elderly died after getting a wrong bill of 15k euro, instead of few euros ...

What will happen to the dude who did this? Probably NOTHING! because every time someone is doing shit in indirect way, they don't go in prison

Obviously this doesn't mean a death sentence or life sentence, because make no sense at all, even 20 years of prison for homicide ...

but for sure it's not ok to keep such people free.

Then people complain about climate activists ... (we will write more soon) by ignoring such things or ignoring all people with trauma or dying indirectly due to illegal cure, suicides, etc.

No difference! Everyone should get sentenced!

Exactly like killing 1400 animals ...
or even K or mio of animals!
so with animals this is even getting worse ...
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Ja sicherlich ist teilweise lustig, vor allem wenn man solche 100% veganer begegnet, die nicht verstehen wollen, 100% ist nur Utopie. Man kann nicht zwingen Leute 100% vegan zu werden! ...

jedoch, wenn man denkt, wie wirklich DIE TIERE LEBEN! ist es nicht mehr so lustig!

Es wäre wie jetzt Kebabfleisch mit ⚰️ Babies von Gaza zu machen ... und dann als Futter für Tiere zu geben! .... Wenn man etwas so sagt, schaut es aus, also ob man Psychopath sei ... obwohl am Ende die gleiche Situation ist, nur Umgekehrt ... (und noch nicht so schlimm ... schlimmer wäre wie in The Strain zu tun ...)

Leider sehen die Leute einfach immer und nur eine Seite und ignorieren die andere, bzw. sind der Meinung "es ist ja nur ein 💩 Tier, egal" ...

Backup by @VeganFactsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme
Remember, there is no just food waste related to foods that you 🗑, but even overeating is contributing to climate change! Not only you get fat, you get disease, you waste money, you get depressed due to your body, etc.

With overeating you contribute to climate change!

The waste of resources and the unnecessary ecological cost due to an excessive consumption of foods leading to obesity have been ignored so far. Metabolic Food Waste [MFW(kg of food)] corresponds to the amount of food leading to Excess Body Fat (EBF) and its impact on the environment, expressed as carbon [MFW(kgCO2eq)], water [MFW(×10 L) ] and land footprint [MFW(×10 m2 ) ].

In terms of ecological impact, EU and NAO displayed the highest values for all three MFW footprints (water, land, carbon), about 14 times more than SSA that, as for the MFW(tons of food), is the area with lowest ecological impact (Table 2). The water footprint for EU and NAO was similar but almost double with respect to LA and 10 times more with respect to the ones with lowest impact (SSA). In terms of GHG emissions, EU was in first place followed by NAO and LA, also here the footprint of EU was almost 10 times more than SSA.

Regarding land use, EU was the first followed by NAO and LA, with a land use of about 15 times higher than SSA.

Figure 2B shows total water footprint (as mio m3 ) from MFW in the seven regions: dairy products/milk/eggs and meat/offals as a whole contribute to more than 70% in EU and NAO.

Figure 2A shows the contribution of commodities to total GHG emissions by geographical area. Dairy products/milk/eggs and meat/offals have the highest values in EU and NAO, then alcohol.

Obesity is a social challenge that is rising in almost all countries with detrimental effects for human and planet health. In this work we showed that the overall impact of MFW(tons of food) associated with overweight and obesity in the world is 140.7 gigatons of food waste, with EU and NAO with the highest ecological impact for water, land and carbon footprints
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Wieder ein bullshit ohne Kopf ....

Ja, Transport kann vielleicht eine Scheisse für Tiere sein, schau

aber diese Scheisse hängt nicht ab, ob du Vegan bist oder nicht!

Und bei Veganer ist es eher weniger anwesend, denn die Tiere müssen nicht transportiert werden!!!!

Wollen wir über Jagd reden, die noch ILLEGAL GEMACHT WIRD!

Autounfall .... ja aber das hat wieder nichts mit Vegan zu tun!!! und manche Leute ignorieren das auch, indem sie weiterfahren.

DAS IST EIN VERBRECHEN! und sie sollte eine Strafe bekommen!

Ohne zu sprechen, die Anzahl der Tiere die gegessen werden (oder besser weggeworfen werden, da wir noch in 2023 viel einfach wegwerfen!
https://t.center/FoodWasteTelegram) in Vergleich zu diese, die Transportiert werden (um wieder gegessen zu werden ....).

Tierleid kann nicht wissenschaftlich bewiesen werden? Was für ein bullshit ist das denn! Schau dann

man kann auch nur Tiere anschauen, wie mein Leid in Menschen sieht, indem man sie anschaut ...

Ohne jetzt über die 💩 Betäubung zu sprechen

Zudem spricht einer, der möglicherweise Islam folgt ...

Islam = fehlende Tierrechte!
sowie Menschenrechte!

zudem Deutschland, wo die Kuhhaltung nur 💩 ist!

Deutschland, wo AfD gibt, die nur bullshit sagen bzgl. Natur ...

Conclusion: let we talk less bullshit
animal trade IS A PROBLEM
animals laws are SHIT!
even in Israel!
people are experts with excuses
Ausgaben für Nahrungsmittel, 2015–2017

Paarhaushalte mit Kindern geben durchschnittlich 838 Franken pro Monat für Nahrungsmittel aus. Davon werden 198 Franken für Fleisch, 182 Franken für Früchte und Gemüse, 134 Franken für Milchprodukte, 56 Franken für Süssigkeiten und 34 Franken für Fisch aufgewendet (Grafik 10.2).

Die Quote der materiellen Entbehrung wird beschrieben als finanziell bedingter Mangel in mindestens drei von neun europaweit koordinierten Kategorien: In der Lage sein, innerhalb eines Monats unerwartete Ausgaben in der Höhe von 2500 Franken zu tätigen; in der Lage sein, eine Woche Ferien pro Jahr weg von zu Hause zu finanzieren; keine Zahlungsrückstände haben; in der Lage sein, jeden zweiten Tag eine fleisch- oder fischhaltige Mahlzeit (oder vegetarische Entsprechung) einzunehmen; in der Lage sein, die Wohnung ausreichend zu heizen; Zugang zu einer Waschmaschine haben; im Besitz eines Farbfernsehers sein; im Besitz eines Telefons sein; im Besitz eines Autos sein.
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We already answered this video on

Plus we wrote additional things now
Picture 1 https://t.me/VeganFactsTelegram/370

but let we now just talk about Piers Morgan:

Outspoken broadcaster Piers Morgan spent a small fortune renting a luxurious boat for a 10-day cruise around Europe https://perma.cc/V722-GUCH

Piers Morgan Car Collection: Cars of Piers Morgan https://perma.cc/XQS4-UYLY

PIERS Morgan has made another public dig at Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s private jet use by tweeting a photo of him on an economy flight https://perma.cc/GS8X-EFMD

Don't forget that you are for sure eating even food transported via cargo ships, like every person on this planet ...

So even if you seems to not be the worst "rich person", you are still not perfect too.

Remember what we wrote previously and the fact that being vegan doesn't mean being 100% or 0% vegan! Even replacing some meals with plant based foods is better than doing nothing! The 100% vegan already after few seconds is just a wrong way to promote a vegan diet to not vegans ...
Field to fork: global food miles generate nearly 20% of all CO2 emissions from food https://perma.cc/B7UH-2EZD
Food miles are measured as tonne-kilometres (tkm), the transport of 1 tonne of food over 1km – the distance travelled multiplied by the mass of the transported food item.

This indicates that transport accounts for 19% of total food system emissions. The transport of fruit and vegetables contributes 36% of food miles emissions – around twice the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) released during their production.

To mitigate the environmental impact of food, a shift towards plant-based foods must be coupled with more locally produced items, mainly in affluent countries.


So yes, obviously more food miles means more pollution, especially if such food is transported via planes instead of ships, but
a) remember that there are hybrid and electric ships too! and Norway is one of the leading country for that, for example Verdens første hybride lasteskip til kai ved Trondheim Havn https://perma.cc/C3TU-LZNP
Elektrisk kjempe skal seile gjennom Kina https://perma.cc/J75G-QMF2
More on
b) remember that Avocado and other things get eaten even by not vegans! is not just a vegan food ...
c) remember that behind the meat there is much more pollution! especially if you waste such meat, instead of eating that. You even need to transport the food for the animals via ship!
d) remember that there is not just pollution due to food transport! Plus we import meat too! (especially if you buy cheap meat).