UNRWA Telegram : UN Watch / UNRWA EDU / United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East / Gaza

Logo of the Telegram channel UNRWA Telegram : UN Watch / UNRWA EDU / United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East / Gaza
By @WomenRightsTelegram @DefenceTelegram @GenRevolutionOfficial @FactsTelegramChannels More @IsraelWarBullshit @HumanRightsChecklist @HumanRightsTelegram @LawsTelegram @IsraelWarPollution @IsraelWarFacts @IsraelWarWomenRights @IsraelWarAnimalRights
La basura se acumulan en las zonas medias de #Gaza, junto a aguas residuales que se filtran en las calles.

La población no tiene más remedio que vivir junto a los residuos, expuesta al hedor y a la amenaza de un desastre sanitario.

👉 ayudagaza.com


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Los cierres de carreteras y la presencia de fuerzas israelíes y colonos armados han dado lugar a restricciones de movimiento para los palestinos, lo que dificulta su acceso a lugares de trabajo, servicios de emergencia o a las instalaciones sanitarias y educativas


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @Journal_UN_ONU: H.E. Xavier Bettel, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs of Luxembourg 🇱🇺 @UN #GeneralDebate

🔗Access the recording and transcript of the statement here: gadebate.un.org/en/79/luxemb… #UNJournal #UNGA79

© UN Photo/Loey Felipe

UNRWA Europe 🇺🇳

UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Media is too big
RT @HillelNeuer: At a March 27th protest in front of UNRWA’s Beirut headquarters, al-Sharif rallied the crowd of hundreds by threatening “bad consequences” if UNRWA would not quickly resolve the issue of his suspension. /4 unwatch.org/lazzarini-suspen…

كانت وقفة حاشدة جداً أمام مكتب وكالة #الأونروا الرئيسي في العاصمة اللبنانية #بيروت .. لاجئون فلسطينيون وموظفون في الوكالة وقيادات فصائل قدموا من مختلف المناطق اللبنانية رفضاً لتعامل إدارة الوكالة مع موظفيها حين يمارسون حقهم في التعبير عن انتمائهم لقضيتهم
- بوابة اللاجئين الفلسطينيين

UN Watch

UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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RT @HillelNeuer: In March, under pressure from UN Watch, UNRWA chief Lazzarini suspended al-Sharif for three months without pay over his Hamas ties. Yet instead of condemning his links to a terrorist group, al-Sharif's fellow UNRWA teachers and staff backed him—and went on strike in support. /2

UN Watch

UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @HillelNeuer: We urged France, Germany, UK, Canada, Sweden not to give a dime for UNRWA when it refuses to remove Hamas terror chief from his position as school principal and Head of the UNRWA Teachers Union.

Yet they all doubled down, funded, and praised UNRWA.

So today the IDF removed him.

NEW: UNRWA chief Lazzarini now has the names of 100 staff who are Hamas terrorists. He has our dossier proving his teachers union chief Fathi al-Sharif is a terrorist. Tomorrow is UNRWA's pledging conference in NY. Until he fires them, we call on 🇫🇷🇩🇪🇬🇧🇨🇦🇸🇪 not to pledge a dime. - Hillel Neuer

UN Watch

UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Media is too big
RT @HillelNeuer: Replying to @HillelNeuer: When our pressure in March finally caused UNRWA to temporarily suspend their terrorist leader Fathi al-Sharif—but not to fire or condemn him for being a school principal and Hamas terror chief—thousands of UNRWA teachers, school principals, and students rallied for the terrorist.

Toward the end of this March 5th video about Fathi al-Sharif, the Palestinian Refugees Portal expresses pride that 64 schools were closed and 36,00 students abstained from studying to rally in support of Hamas-linked UNRWA union chief and school principal Fathi al-Sharif. /18 - Hillel Neuer

UN Watch

UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @HillelNeuer: Amnesty International's former Secretary-General gave a “Certificate of Appreciation” to Hamas terrorist chief of Lebanon who was eliminated today.

Everyone in Lebanon knew that Fathi al-Sharif—UNRWA teachers union chief—was a top Hamas terrorist.

You knew, @claudio_cordone.

.@antonioguterres Today the world is a safer place: justice was delivered to the head of your UNRWA Teachers Union. Hamas now admitted Fathi al-Sharif was also 🇱🇧 chief of their terrorist group.

I urged you to fire him, again & again. ⬇️

You can't say you didn't know. You knew.
- Hillel Neuer

UN Watch

UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
In June, we exposed UNRWA union chief Fathi al-Sharif was a top figure in Hamas.

For months, we sent countless warnings to UNRWA and its donors that a terrorist was overseeing 39,000 students in Lebanon. They did nothing.

Today, Israel eliminated al-Sharif in an airstrike. 🧵

BREAKING: Senior UNRWA official is top figure in Hamas. Fathi al-Sharif, head of the UNRWA teachers union in Lebanon, overseeing 39,000 students in 65 schools, is a key figure in Hamas, according to a new report presented to the Dutch parliament . 🧵
- UN Watch

UN Watch

UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
.@UNLazzarini You had to have known the head of your teachers union & school principal was the leader of Hamas in Lebanon, and that for decades he incited to terrorism—including openly on Facebook. If you claim you didn't know, you are the most incompetent CEO in history. Resign!

.@UNLazzarini Today we are demanding you resign. Hamas just admitted that the head of your teachers union was one of their leaders. You knew. ⬇️

Yet you handed a terrorist the keys to educating Palestinians for generations, funded by taxpayers of all Western nations. Resign now!
- Hillel Neuer

UN Watch

UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
People in #Gaza have lost everything & need everything. Humanitarian access continues to be severely restricted & families struggle to meet their basic necessities. @UNRWA teams keep providing flour, food & other critical aid, but needs are as high as ever. #CeasefireNow


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Súmate a nuestro canal de WhatsApp para recibir información sobre las personas refugiadas de Palestina, la situación en Gaza y nuestro trabajo 👇 whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaM…


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Ven al debate público sobre la situación actual en Palestina. Participará Natalie Boucly, Acting Deputy Commissioner-General de UNRWA.
📍 Oficina del Parlamento Europeo en Madrid
📅 4 de oct.
9:00 - 19:30


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Seguimos trabajando para responder a la emergencia.
En total, 19 de nuestros centros de salud en el país están operativos y equipados para recibir a pacientes.
👉 ayudalibano.es


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
“De repente nos encontramos en medio de una guerra. Tuvimos que dejar todo atrás”, dice Amal Ahmad, refugiada palestina en #Líbano. Amal ha escuchado mil historias de sus padres sobre cómo huyeron de Palestina, nunca imaginó que tendría que vivir lo mismo. eldiario.es/unrwa/terror-lle…


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Esta imagen es de este fin de semana en Deir al-Balah, en Gaza.
Nuestros equipos siguen distribuyendo harina y paquetes de alimentos entre la población. Esta ayuda está salvando vidas, pero hace falta mucho más.
👉 ayudagaza.com


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Más personas siguen huyendo de sus hogares debido a los continuos ataques aéreos israelíes en #Líbano. Miles de personas ya se refugian en 7 refugios que hemos abierto.
Nuestros equipos les están brindando ayuda humanitaria esencial.
👉 ayudalibano.es


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme