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ㅤ #트레저: We extend a heartfelt greeting to all of our channel subscribers. We, TREATSURE, who run this channel, apologise for the lack of updates during the last few days; because of certain personal reasons, and because our members have their own real-life activities. As a result, we'd like to inform you that this channel will be placed in rest mode, which means we'll stop doing GEN!RP thingy and won't be updating about TREASURE for a while. Because there are no time constraints, we hope you will be able to wait for us. Don't worry, we will be back as soon as possible, and we will keep you updated on TREASURE as well. Thank you for your understanding, and please continue to support us. By the way, TREASURE has recently launched their first mini album; everyone, please show your support! Best regards, @TREATSURE.
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