✉️ Fragment now require KYC for any transaction
There can be many reasons, but one thing is clear — that's about regulation.
Telegram and Ton can look to start expanding to the US market. For sure everything in US is highly KYC'd. That's a good news in long-term for the whole ecosystem, because more money will go to Ton and Telegram. And bad news for everyone who will not pass KYC, especially Russians and Iranians.
That also can be the thing about Durov's upcoming court in France. Maybe his lawyers told that's an important thing to do. If this step will raise chances that Durov becomes free — that's a step for existence of the whole Telegram in the shape we know it today. As a reminder — Durov still can't move anywhere from France.
And one more thing. KYC is not a thing which companies like to implement in their products. That's a thing which gives barrier between company and user. And it is done only because governments want to regulate everything. There was serious reasons to implement KYC for Fragment. Let's see, maybe Telegram will give us some official explanations about this.