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★‡STORY FACT‡★ - on an event of the early versions of the story , Osiris lived in Madros House for a while - So they some what can be called roommate but instead of room, its house. -but away from that - Osiris mentioned that Madros sleeping schedule is.. unexpected - as if it's a never a specific time of Sleep, yet usually He sleep in the morning -and Osiris as most of the people, was an early bird . so technically..a conversation like this would strike once in a while Osiris: "woke up at 6 am , Yawn"..."walk out of the room"- Madros: "was walking past Osiris room " "jolt"!?.. Osiris: Ah?.. Good morning..? Madros:... it's goodnight. Osiris: ... seriously?.. Madros: Don't act like it's my fault- "go to his room" "close the door"-
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