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Hello everyone! We would like to introduce our two new bots. 1) Wanted Bounty Bot Username: @WantedBountyBot ---> Wanted Bounty Bot is inspired from One Piece Anime, it will generate a bounty wanted poster of you. Hit /start and then /bounty 2) Users Whisper Bot Username: @UsersWhisperBot ---> This bot can help you send message to your friend in the chat, without allowing others to read it. • how it works? A button will be generated once you send the result query, only targeted user(s) could read it. Others won't. • how to use it? -> @UsersWhisperBot [target user_id, username] [options] your text. Use [] square brackets when targeting more than one user. You can also add options, if you want! If you would like to know if your whisper has been read, pass the option --notify-me-on-read, and make sure to start the bot first in the private and unblocked the bot (if have blocked). What target(s) to read the whisper one time only? Pass the option: --one-time-open will only let target(s) to read the whisper text only one time. © Sasta Dev
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Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
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