How to search and find Telegram channels

Logo of the Telegram channel How to search and find Telegram channels
A project by TelegramFreaks @TgmeFreaks 📰 @NewsTelegramFreaks 🇮🇹 @tgmeFreaksItalia 🇩🇪 @tgmeFreaksDeutsch 🇫🇷 @FrenchTelegramFreaks 🇷🇺 @RussianTelegramFreaks 🇪🇸 @LatinTelegramFreaks 🇺🇦 @UkrainianTelegramFreaks 🇧🇷 @BrasileirosTelegramFreaks 🇳🇱...
To first message
Be like Fast&Furious doesn't make ANY sense on Telegram. Slow down and make various searches just by searching the same words! You will probably find even channels not related to your original search.
Using synonyms is one of the most important aspect when you search on Telegram (or better everywhere!)
💥💥New Telegram Channels💥💥
Everyone has the right do do what he wants, so it's up to you if you prefer to be like the mass of people or to be a smart person.
Telegram sometimes is just fucking idiot. If you cannot find a channel, even after writing "@username", this doesn't mean the channel doesn't exist. You need to write a normal message with "@username" and click on such link.
TikTok and Telegram are pretty the same: 1) you can have TikTok on Telegram, by having a general better experience on Telegram (obviously you cannot check related song videos directly on Telegram ...) 2) both have a bad search feature, even if still less shitty than Instagram. Currently TikTok implemented it on TikTok Desktop, but the feature still remains huge limited 3) both can be used directly on the browser. Most other smartphones social network don't directly offer that. Snapchat added such support few days ago. 4) due to issue 2 and issues related to a bad TikTok AI, that works (if this works...) generally only on likes, you can have a really bad TikTok experience, complaining that on TikTok there are just shit videos (which is right, especially now after they increased the video duration to up to 10 min). Without a proper search you will not find good contents (and obviously we don't mean most liked videos ...) 5) both socials have a low ban quote, even if TikTok has more than Telegram and in the last time they even started to increase that, especially after the war 6) both socials, near YouTube, are the future. Facebook, Twitter and Reddit still remain the king for searching infos/medias.
A true story happened few months ago. Telegram directories admins are racists. Same identical channels, just with different languages, get rejected and banned with no sense from their directories. Same happens for other channels, made always by the same creator, just about different topics. Few get randomly approved, other get randomly banned. So don't trust Telegram directories and don't think this is an alternative way to find channels. Few directories don't approve any type of channels at all, just those who pay for that.
If you don't use the right search methods, you will never find channels on Telegram
If you want to get more and better results, you need to apply correct search strategies
Searching channels on Telegram without opening fully the list doesn't make a lot of sense. The order of the channels can differ from app to app. Even the amount of showed channels can differ. More about that in future.
Searching channels with Telegram Desktop is not the same like searching with Telegram Beta or Bettergram or other. Use multiple applications!
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Tutorial to "How to NOT subscribe to a channel". This is the worse way to search channels!
Searching on Telegram is not just typing something and waiting for some miracle results! Be smart, use different strategies to search channels. Use especially the N4 terms and repeat the same search methods for the last showed example @ParisFranceEuropeTelegram, for example by inverting terms or use synonyms, etc.
💥💥Search on Telegram 2.0💥💥