Apparently, the manifestation of the goddess' nature equilibrium which represents the enchantment of beauty is instinctively reborn. A womanhood that I laud and long of her incarnation, for the ancestry who inherits the second-to-none charm. The pages of August unfold the enchanting truth of woman, inescapably idyllic. The fools eulogize and worship beauty and benevolence with heartfelt. In such a way, delineates a heartthrob in awe of the obsession I have for the 2003's lady of glory. Whilst the flicker of her eyes hypnotizes the world, the lines of her smile presumably bestow heaven on earth. Heed to the passionate swish due to the existence of a center of attention, the apogee of admiration for every prestige of herself; embodies myriad adoration. Therefore, an unstoppable awe that excogitates illusions, the paragraph phrases delineates her immortality in literature, lifelong in mind, and inward conscience. For the graciousness that pervades true self of her, therefore I devotee myself to her; the lovely damsel, a representation of a goddess. Beneath the influence of her bewitchment, admittedly femininity. She manipulated my soul to fall enraptured into her aura o' enchantment.