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There is no savior program in True Reality, there is embrace, accept, allow - illumination of the truth of frequency. The Bliss of setting your anchor down in the waters of Unconditional Love. Those that endure tragedy, hardship, suffering - do so by agreement. No one is a victim of anything. This is impressed upon by the Heaven Realm because this is the truth of what this journey required, it may be difficult to reconcile with this Truth but if surrender and acceptance can occur, illumination and understanding will come soon after. The emergence of the Golden Thread and the dissolvement of duality is inherent in this process. There is a line being drawn in the sand for those still engaging in duality narratives, dualistic perceptions and the whole duality game. Our emergence into Unified Consciousness with Source is a choice to fully and completely let the duality game go. The e.g.o is attached, judgmental, plays in black and white, right and wrong and props itself up on morals that are built from painfully limited perspective. 100% Trust, 100% Creativity, 100% Divine Empowerment, 100% Unconditional Love, 100% Divine Expression, 100% Divine Intuition, 100% Divine Non Attachment is the activation sequence of our 7 Chakra portals, the embodiment of the Golden Thread and the Emergence into True Reality! Let's put Our whole Hearts and Full Consciousness into The Journey! Forgive ourselves and take full accountability when we are in e.g.o / f.e.a.r, realign and re-emerge stronger every MOMent! I love you All! Blessings always! Faith
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
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