Plant Protection science 🌱🦠🔬

Логотип телеграм канала Plant Protection science 🌱🦠🔬
کانال علم و دانش گیاهپزشکی اخبار و تازه های گیاهپزشکی توسط دانشجویان گیاهپزشکی دانشگاه سراسری تبریز مطالب علمی مفید
Omnivorous nematodes are a type of nematode that can feed on various food sources depending on environmental conditions and food availability. They play a crucial role in soil ecosystems by contributing to decomposition and nutrient cycling. These nematodes have a hollow tooth that allows them to pierce other organisms and extract nutrients, and they can switch their diet based on the availability of different food sources.

They typically prefer to eat plants, bacteria, and fungi, but in the absence of their primary food source, they can also feed on other nematodes and insects. This adaptability makes them an important player in maintaining soil health and nutrient levels.

#nematodes #soilecosystems #nutrientcycling #adaptability #environmentalconditions #ecology
Augmentation of predatory mites for red spider mites control 🌱🕷️🕸️🍓

🕷️Predatory spider mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis, have specialized adaptations for attacking and feeding on their prey like the two-spotted spider mite. This can be regarded as most effective red spider mite predator when applied in optimum condition.

🪴They are being supplied in shaker bottles and should be sprinkled over the infested plants.

🕸️Phytoseiulus mites need to be released when red spider mites population are already existing because they cannot survive long when food is unavailable with temperature requirement at above 15C with 20-30C as the most ideal.

🌿When released, they employ an ambush strategy and can sense their prey by responding to chemical cues and vibrational signals.

📌They move quickly and use this speed to catch up with and capture prey.

📍Predatory mites have specialized mouthparts designed for piercing and sucking allowing them to feed on the body fluids of their prey.

♻️Different species of predatory mites may have preferences for specific stages of their prey's life cycle. Some may focus on consuming eggs, while others target nymphs or adult mites.

📈Predatory mites may adapt their foraging behavior based on the prevailing conditions. The availability and density of prey in the environment can stimulate predatory mites to feed more actively.

🌦️Temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors impact the activity and reproduction rates of both predatory and prey mites, influencing overall consumption rates.

🍓Predatory mites do not damage plants, but feed on plant pollen when prey is unavailable.

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#linkedin #innovation #agriculture #ecology #development #technology #agribusiness
Plant Protection science 🌱🦠🔬
The amazing world of mycorrhizal fungi in a timelapse 📹🕕⌛️
The amazing world of mycorrhizal fungi in a timelapse 📹🕕⌛️

🍄Most mycorrhizal fungi depend heavily on plant photosynthate to meet their energy requirements.

🌱Mycorrhizas are beneficial fungi growing in association with plant roots, and exist by taking sugars from plants 'in exchange' for moisture and nutrients gathered from the soil by the fungal strands. The mycorrhizas greatly increase the absorptive area of a plant, acting as extensions to the root system.

📍There are many abiotic factors that affect the activity of mycorrhizal fungi, including soil fertility, temperature, pH, soil moisture and aeration, soil type, salinity, plant readiness for infection, soil organic matter, and others.

🦠When applied to soil, they can start growing into the plant root and will take about four weeks to establishe the symbiotic relationship. Though it varies by plant species, growing protocol, etc., it generally takes about eight weeks for benefits to become visible in the field.

🚜Other ways to increase mycorrhizal fungi in the soil, some of which include reduced tillage, using cover crops, polyculture, planting mycorrhizal friendly crops, increasing soil organic matter, avoid usage of fertilizers and responsible use of crop protection products.

🔎Many mycorrhizal fungi are obligately symbiotic and therefore are unable to survive in nature for extended periods of time without their host. Because the relationship between the fungus and the plant is symbiotic, both members of the relationship obtain a benefit from each other.

📓Information references:

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#linkedin #mycology #community #ecology #agriculture #farming #sustainableagriculture #sustainable