Plant Protection science 🌱🦠🔬

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Mode of action labeling as part of IRM strategy 🐛🌿🧪🧑🔬⚛️
برای صرفه جویی در هزینه، چمن ورزشگاه آزادی رو با آب دریاچه قایقرانی آزادی آبیاری کردن، چمن باکتری گرفته و ۶۰ میلیارد هزینه اصلاحشه! از اون ور، سطح آب دریاچه قایقرانی پایین اومده، قایق‌های تیم ملی قایقرانی به گِل نشسته!
تیم ملی قایقرانی از برنامه‌های تمرینیش مونده و هزینه جبران این برداشت آب حدود ۴۰ میلیارد پیش‌بینی شده چون برای بالا اومدن سطح آب دریاچه آزادی، از دریاچه چیتگر آب منتقل کردن!
آب انتقال داده شده دارای لارو حشرات بوده، الان مجموعه آزادی پر شده از پشه‌های یک‌روزه! حالا از اون طرف، سطح آب دریاچه چیتگر پایین اومده، در نتیجه ماهی‌های دریاچه مُردن و جنازه‌شون اومده روی آب.
بوی بد پوسیده شدن جنازه‌ها، و خورده شدنشون توسط سایر ماهی‌ها و پرنده‌ها باعث مسمومیت و مرگ اونها میشه و خساراتش هنوز برآورد نشده. همه اینها برای صرفه‌جویی ۵۰۰ میلیونی ...
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General types of mycorrhizal fungi 🍄🦠🌱🫚🪴

🍄Mycorrhizas are group of beneficial fungi growing in association with plant roots. Over 95% of plant species can form symbiotic relationships with mycorrhizas.

🫚Generally, symbiosis exists by taking sugars from plants 'in exchange' for moisture and nutrients gathered from the soil by the fungal strands.

Four types of mycorrhizas include:

🪴Ectomycorrhizal fungi form a dense fungal sheath around the plant root tips.They are commonly associated with trees, such as oaks, pines, and birches.

📍The mycelium of ectomycorrhizal fungi doesn't penetrate plant cells but forms a network around them.

🏆These fungi primarily facilitate the exchange of nutrients in the extracellular spaces, especially enhancing the absorption of mineral nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus.

🪴Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi penetrate the plant root cells and form intricate structures called arbuscules.

📍They are found in a wide range of plants, including many crops like wheat, soybeans, and corn. They establish a more intimate connection with the host plant by entering root cells.

🏆These fungi are particularly important for phosphorus uptake and can enhance the absorption of other minerals as well.

🪴Ericoid mycorrhizal fungi are associated with plants in the Ericaceae family, like heath and heather.

📍They are often found in acidic, nutrient-poor soils, such as heathlands.

🏆They help plants acquire nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, which can be limited in their habitat.

🪴Orchid Mycorrhizal Fungi have a unique mycorrhizal associations with specific fungi.

📍They are essential for orchid germination; many orchid seeds cannot germinate without these fungi.

🏆These fungi facilitate the transfer of carbon compounds from orchids to the fungi and receive essential nutrients in return.

Supplemental reading:

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General types of mycorrhizal fungi 🍄🦠🌱
The African flower chafer, also known as the African fruit beetle, is a type of scarab beetle found in Africa. It's known for its vibrant colors and intricate patterns on its elytra (wing covers). These beetles are often considered pests in agriculture, as their larvae feed on the roots of various plants, potentially causing damage to crops. Additionally, they're sometimes collected and kept as ornamental insects due to their striking appearance. 🪲
Plant Protection science 🌱🦠🔬
How citrus greening affects citrus industry?🍋🍊🌱🪴🌳🚜
How citrus greening affects citrus industry?🍋🍊🌱🪴🌳🚜

🍊Citrus Huanglongbing, previously known as Citrus Greening Disease is a highly destructive and incurable bacterial disease that affects citrus plants.

🦠The disease is caused by the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, which is primarily transmitted mostly by the Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri).

🍋The disease can affect various citrus species, including oranges, mandarins, lemons, limes, and grapefruits.

🌱The disease causes a range of symptoms, including yellowing of leaves (mottling), blotchy and asymmetrical patterns on leaves, misshapen, small, and bitter-tasting fruit, premature fruit drop, and dieback of branches.

🌳Infected trees gradually decline in health, leading to reduced fruit production and eventual tree death.

🦗The disease can be transmitted when the vector insect, the Asian citrus psyllid acquires the bacterium during feeding on HLB infected citrus plants. During feeding, the bacterium enters the psyllid's body and infects its internal tissues.

🔎Once infected, the bacterium multiplies within the psyllid's body and moves through its circulatory system.

🔄When the infected Asian citrus psyllid feeds on a healthy citrus plant to obtain nutrients, it releases the bacterium from its salivary glands into the plant's vascular system. The bacterium then spreads throughout the plant, affecting its various tissues and organs.

🪴The disease can also be spread through the movement of infected plant material and grafting of infected buds or branches onto healthy trees.

🧪Given the severity of the disease, early detection, quarantine measures, insect vector control and immediate action are crucial in preventing the spread of citrus greening disease.

📓Information Source:

📹Video Credit:

#florida #oranges #citrus #linkedin #bacteria #agriculture #nursery #diseasecontrol #ecosystem #farming #usa #india #china
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How citrus greening affects citrus industry?🍋🍊🌱🪴🌳🚜
Plant Protection science 🌱🦠🔬
The amazing world of mycorrhizal fungi in a timelapse 📹🕕⌛️
The amazing world of mycorrhizal fungi in a timelapse 📹🕕⌛️

🍄Most mycorrhizal fungi depend heavily on plant photosynthate to meet their energy requirements.

🌱Mycorrhizas are beneficial fungi growing in association with plant roots, and exist by taking sugars from plants 'in exchange' for moisture and nutrients gathered from the soil by the fungal strands. The mycorrhizas greatly increase the absorptive area of a plant, acting as extensions to the root system.

📍There are many abiotic factors that affect the activity of mycorrhizal fungi, including soil fertility, temperature, pH, soil moisture and aeration, soil type, salinity, plant readiness for infection, soil organic matter, and others.

🦠When applied to soil, they can start growing into the plant root and will take about four weeks to establishe the symbiotic relationship. Though it varies by plant species, growing protocol, etc., it generally takes about eight weeks for benefits to become visible in the field.

🚜Other ways to increase mycorrhizal fungi in the soil, some of which include reduced tillage, using cover crops, polyculture, planting mycorrhizal friendly crops, increasing soil organic matter, avoid usage of fertilizers and responsible use of crop protection products.

🔎Many mycorrhizal fungi are obligately symbiotic and therefore are unable to survive in nature for extended periods of time without their host. Because the relationship between the fungus and the plant is symbiotic, both members of the relationship obtain a benefit from each other.

📓Information references:

📹Video credit:

#linkedin #mycology #community #ecology #agriculture #farming #sustainableagriculture #sustainable
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The amazing world of mycorrhizal fungi in a timelapse 📹🕕⌛️
How are crop protection products approved?
All countries except Iran

1. Before selling crop protection products, they need to undergo strict evaluation by authorities for each country to ensure that they are safe for humans and have no unacceptable effects on the environment.

2. Hundreds of residue, toxicological, eco-toxicological, environmental, physical-chemical, and efficacy studies.

3. All this scientific information is compiled in a registration dossier, containing individual study reports, summaries and risk assessments, including proposals for risk mitigation.

4. These dossiers are submitted to regulatory authorities around the world who review the submitted data and risk assessments, and grant or deny approval of active substances and products based on their specific regulations and conclusions.

To decide whether a crop protection product is safe, multiple areas are investigated including:-

1. Dietary safety: Evaluates the exposure to the human population, including sensitive populations such as infants and children, from potential residues of chemicals in food and drinking water to ensure the levels are safe.

2. Toxicology: Studies the adverse effects of chemicals in mammals to assess potential effects in humans.

3. Environmental fate: Investigates the behavior, metabolism and distribution of substances in the environment (soil, water, groundwater, air).

4. Environmental effects: Assess the potential effects of chemical or biological agents to non-target organisms in the environment.

5. Occupational exposure: Evaluates exposure to workers resulting from the manufacture and use of chemicals and determines required personal protection equipment to ensure safety.

6. Product chemistry: Determines the physical chemical properties of a chemical (e.g. solubility, volatility, chemical reactivity) that are important to ensure safe storage, transport, use and disposal of a chemical.

7. Agronomic development: Evaluates how a product should be used in the field to ensure maximum efficiency and crop safety.

#innovation #agriculture #cropprotection
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How are crop protection products approved?
All countries except Iran
🌱🐞 Nature's Pest Control Experts - Embrace Organic Gardening! 🌿🦋
Before reaching for insecticides or slug pellets, let's remember our incredible garden allies! 🐌❤️ Aphid-eating ladybugs, caterpillar-munching birds, and snail-hunting frogs are among the free and eco-friendly pest control squad in your garden!
Let's create a welcoming space for these helpful species and embrace organic crop production! 🌿🌼 Together, we can nurture a balanced ecosystem that thrives without harming our natural allies
(Ref: Collected from Marian Hill's Instagram post).
🪲Over the years, control of many econonomically important insect pests are achieved through in wide array of options that are suitable to farmer's convenience and preferences.

🧪The introduction of alternative insect control measures like use of entomopathogenic fungi has drawn increasing attention and popularity amongst growers.

🦠Entomopathogenic fungi are group of soil borne microorganisms that attacks and kills insects and other arthropods.

🌱The most popular strains of these fungis belong to the genera Beauveria, Metarhizium, Isaria, Hirsutella, and Lecanicillium.

🌱Once came contact with the insects, it adheres to their cuticle and penetrates their body. Then the fungus starts to grow and multiply.

🪴However, the field efficacy of these products are usually being questioned for consistency and practicability leading to low adoption rate.

♻️In order to address challenges on the formulation associated to its field applications, here are some recommendations:

📍Focus on stabilizing the fungal spores to extend shelf life. Encapsulating spores in protective coatings or using stabilizing agents can enhance viability and effectiveness over time.

📍Incorporate UV protectants into formulations to shield fungal spores from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which can reduce their viability when applied outdoors.

📍Develop formulations with improved adhesion to insect cuticles and substrates. Add surfactants or adhesion promoters to enhance spore attachment and spread on the target pests.

📍Modify formulations to withstand a wider range of temperatures, allowing the fungi to remain effective under varying environmental conditions.

📍Improve rainfastness by designing formulations that resist washing away during rain events, ensuring prolonged efficacy.

📍Test compatibility with commonly used pesticides and fertilizers to create integrated pest management solutions that can be used in combination with other products.

📚Related information:

📸Image details: Image:
Insects infected with Metarhizium strains showing sporulation on cadavers. (A) Melanoplus femurrubrum infected with wild type Metarhizium acridum Ma324. Galleria mellonella infected with transgenic Ma324-Mest1 (B) and wild type Metarhizium robertsii Mr2575 (C). Manduca sexta infected with transgenic M. acridum Ma324-Mest1 (D) and wild type M. robertsii Mr2575 (E).


#linkedin #linkedinforcreators #linkedinlearning #agriculture #agribusiness #farming #product #formulation
Improvement of entomopathogenic fungi based formulations 🧪🪴🌱♻️🐞🦗🪲
Plant Protection science 🌱🦠🔬
How aphids become delicious food with the perfect soundtrack for ladybugs 🐞
Ladybugs are capable of consuming up to 50 to 60 aphids per day but will also eat a variety of other insects and larvae including scales, mealy bugs, leaf hoppers, mites, and various types of soft-bodied insects.
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How aphids become delicious food with the perfect soundtrack for ladybugs 🐞
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‏پیام ‎حسین و ‎عاشورا همین چند جمله از ‎شهید بهشتی‌ست:

«ستم‌پذیری هم اندازه‌ی ستمگری گناه است. ای ‎انسان تو آزادی...»

عاشورای حسینی تسلیت باد 🖤
Learn how to recognize the eggs of predatory arthropods employed in augmentative biological control.

Sizes are not scaled -> relative differences in egg size among species are not real.

#biologicalcontrol #ipm #ipmanagement #predators #cropprotection
Plant Protection science 🌱🦠🔬
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