@Baeesrene Ci Chatrinel setup barumuu cantik bangetttt anjaayy, keinget Irene lagi beli sandal gitu liat di tiktok kemarin πππ literally vibes Irene-nya kuat bangettt terus cantikk pake bangett juga. ini sihh kaya orang positive vibes banget, kalo dulu bilangnya mah heather yaa. be happy cici
@YehShufhua FARASYA CANTIK BANGET, pertama liat kayaa busett rp Shuhua cantiknyaaa anjay jarang banget liat. terus pas liat avanya tuh kaya adem bangettt. udah orangnya cantik, namanya juga cantik lagi. 08 berapa fara
@ejisoo vibes Elleah nih kaya mommy mommy galak gitu ya, terus tipe orang yang gampang bangetttt berbaur dan punya banyak temen, kaya temennya tuh gak cuma 1/2 tapinya bnyak gitu. cantikk, serem sihh jujur setupnya tapi cantik kok
@Arnalog Jabend lends their sweater to Algiaz. When Algiaz is home, they realize they still have Jabend's sweater and find Jabend's iPod. Out of curiosity, Algiaz looks through Jabend's music and finds a playlist titled with Algiaz's name.
@Minjeonqg Algiaz and Mikhaela going to a drive-thru fast food place. When they get home, it is discovered that the staff did not prepare Algiaz's order properly. Despite Algiaz insisting they don't mind, Mikhaela drives back to the fast food place to demand a new meal be made for Algiaz.
@yehshufhua Algiaz is a genie. Farasya stumbles upon Algiaz, and they wish for Algiaz to be free so they can be Farasya's new friend. This seems awkward to Algiaz at first, but they warm up to Farasya and end up crushing on them.