Диɯᴋᴀᴀ Здᴇᴄь!!⛄

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Вᥴᥱⲙ ᤋдρᥲᥴьᴛᥱ, ʙᥴᥱⲙ ᥰρᥙʙᥱᴛ! Зʙᥲᴛь ⲙᥱня Дᥙɯκᥲᥲ ᥙ ʙ ᧐ᥴн᧐ʙн᧐ⲙ ᥴнᥙⲙᥲю ʙᥙдᥱ᧐ ᥰ᧐ Бᥱρᴦ ɸд Կ᧘ᥱн ᥴᥱκᴛы "Еδнуᴛыᥱ Шᥙᥰы" Юᴛуδ-κᥲнᥲ᧘ - https://www.youtube.com/@ItsDishkaa Ан᧐нᥙⲙн᧐ᥱ ᥴ᧐᧐δщᥱнᥙᥱ - https://t.center/anonaskbot?start=_FDoK65p2KJbQDl 𐋏ᥲчᥲ᧘᧐: 𝟸𝟿.𝟶𝟾.𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟺
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