Island Video on Telegram by GRT: Iceland Defence / Terremotos / Volcanes / Jarðskjálftar / Eldfjöll / Flug / Erdbeben

Logo of the Telegram channel Island Video on Telegram by GRT: Iceland Defence / Terremotos / Volcanes / Jarðskjálftar / Eldfjöll / Flug / Erdbeben
Project by @NorgeTelegramFreaks @WinterFreaks @DefenceTelegram @DisasterFreaks @WarningAlertTelegram @ClimateChangeTelegram @MeteoTelegram - @MissionAntarctica @WarningChannels @EarthquakeAlertTelegram @IcelandMeteo @IcelandairTelegram @NordicAviation
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RT @FrankyandCoen: Weer in Kramatorsk: Lekker frietjes en snoep uitdelen

We hebben opnieuw frietjes en snacks uitgedeeld in het voor ons zo bekende #Kramatorsk. Dit keer stonden we midden in het centrum, bij het centrale busstation, waardoor het al snel lekker druk werd.
Omdat we in deze stad eerder een raketinslag hebben meegemaakt, voelt het nog steeds ongemakkelijk om lang op één plek te blijven staan met tientallen mensen om ons heen bij de kraam. Met zoveel mensen in de buurt voelen we ons een mogelijk doelwit.

Doe mee en help Franky & Coen #Ukraine #oekraïne #StandWithUkraine #SupportUkraine


Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Just got to Scotland, first time here! Should be a great weekend! The views on the way in were gorgeous!

Joe 🇮🇸

Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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One of the best places to spot northern lights is along Iceland's coastline 🌊📍

The night sky over the dark ocean is a perfect canvas for Lady Aurora to shine on 💃 #northernlights #iceland

Guide to Iceland

Icelandair on Telegram by @IcelandairTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
We are looking forward to these meetings with our Canadian and Nordic colleagues. Discussions in NYC will be led by Minister for Foreign Affairs @thordiskolbrun. Traveling to Iqaluit will be @MFAIceland's Arctic Ambassador @BEllertsdottir, accompanied by Ambassador @HlynurGudjons

Minister Joly to host Nordic counterparts in New York and Iqaluit…
- Foreign Policy CAN

Iceland in Canada 🇮🇸

Iceland Government on Telegram by @icelandgovernment
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Lögreglan á Suðurlandi | Hvolsvöllur (Facebook)

Síðastliðinn sólarhring hafa ellefu ökumenn verið kærðir fyrir of hraðan akstur í umdæmi Lögreglustjórans á Suðurlandi. Sá sem hraðast ók var á 132 km/klst hraða á Suðurlandsvegi.

Tvær bifreiðar voru boðaðar í skoðun þar sem ástand þeirra þótti ábótavant. Í öðru tilvikinu voru skráningarmerki tekin af ökutækinu og ökutækið kyrrsett, þar sem það þótti óhæft til áframhaldandi aksturs, en áberandi brot var í grind ökutækisins.

Í dag fluttu samfélagslögreglumenn erindi á Kennaraþingi á Flúðum.
RT @AdrianoAzoVolc: Interesting to read! Have a look 🌋

Scientists are investigating how to use petrological approaches in near-real-time volcanic monitoring to help understand what’s happening underground and manage eruption responses, write Vittorio Zanon of Universidade dos Açores & @lucadauria @involcan.… - AGU's Eos

𝓖ö𝓷𝓰𝓾 𝓓ó𝓽𝓽𝓲𝓻 ©® 🐘 ___ 🇮🇸 ___ ( 🇩🇪 )

Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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Inspired by Iceland (Facebook)

Autumn in Iceland is pure magic—think wild sheep roundups, cozy evenings, and the first glimpses of the Northern Lights. As nature turns golden and the air is crisp, these moments feel enchanting. Whether hiking through stunning landscapes or unwinding in geothermal pools, September in Iceland is an experience like no other. Ready to explore? 🏔️🍁
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Inspired by Iceland (Facebook)

Autumn in Iceland is pure magic—think wild sheep roundups, cozy evenings, and the first glimpses of the Northern Lights. As nature turns golden and the air is crisp, these moments feel enchanting. Whether hiking through stunning landscapes or unwinding in geothermal pools, September in Iceland is an experience like no other. Ready to explore? 🏔️🍁
Lögreglan Vesturlandi (Facebook)

Lögreglumenn á Vesturlandi mættu bifreið sem ekið var á 145 km/klst. þar sem þeir voru við löggæslueftirlit í gærkvöldi á Vesturlandsvegi við Hafnarfjall.

Þeir veittu bifreiðinni strax eftirför með blá ljós tendruð en ökumaðurinn stöðvaði ekki för sína þrátt fyrir að honum væri gefin stöðvunarmerki heldur jók ferðina og reyndi að stinga lögregluna af.

Ökumaðurinn mætir síðan öðrum lögreglubíll sem var þar einnig á ferð um Vesturlandsveg þar sem bifreiðinni er ekið á ofsahraða frá fyrri lögreglubifreiðinni. Hann var þá mældur á 188 km/klst.

Fjarskiptamiðstöð lögreglu var gert viðvart um eftirförina og sjúkrabifreið ræst út frá Borgarnesi til öryggis.

Ökumaðurinn ók áfram Vesturlandsveg inn á Borgarfjarðarbraut en eftirförinni lauk á Hvítárvallarvegi þar sem ökumaður stöðvaði bifreiðina og gafst upp. Hann var handtekinn á staðnum.

Ökumaðurinn og farþegar hans eru 17 og 18 ára gamlir og því var haft var samband við foreldra og barnavernd gert viðvart.

Ökumaðurinn var fluttur á lögreglustöðina á Akranesi þar sem hann var sviptur ökuréttindum á staðnum og á hann von á hárri sekt að auki.
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Guide to Iceland (Facebook)

Get 30% off all burger meals 🤑 and enjoy a classic White Russian for just 1000 ISK (approx 7 USD) at Lebowski Bar in the heart of Reykjavík 📍🍔🤤

It's just one out of many special VIP offers you get access to as a Guide to Iceland customer! 💃🕺🌟

Simply log into your customer account in the Guide to Iceland app, navigate to the VIP Club, and claim this special offer by showing the QR code at Lebowski Bar 📲😁

This offer is available for all Guide to Iceland customers 🇮🇸

Enjoy! ❤️
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Get 30% off all burger meals 🤑 and enjoy a classic White Russian for just 1000 ISK (approx 7 USD) at Lebowski Bar in the heart of Reykjavík 📍🍔🤤

It's just one out of many special VIP offers you get access to as a Guide to Iceland customer! 💃🕺🌟

Simply log into your customer account in the Guide to Iceland app, navigate to the VIP Club, and claim this special offer by showing the QR code at Lebowski Bar 📲😁

This offer is available for all Guide to Iceland customers 🇮🇸

Enjoy! ❤️ #iceland #lebowski #thebiglebowski #bar

Guide to Iceland

Icelandair on Telegram by @IcelandairTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Our group's new paper on the magma plumbing of the Grindavik eruptions is out! Simon did a brilliant job putting it all together-- have a read of this fantastic paper.

🌋First release of our paper about the eruptions at Sundhnúksgígar, led by Simon Matthews, was published in Science journal🌋…
- Geochemistry and Petrology Group @ Uni. Iceland

Edward W. Marshall

Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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RT @BayNews9Jeff: I’m STUNNED they have not closed the Howard Frankland Bridge in Tampa Bay.

This was the live look at 3:21 with the chop from #HurricaneHelene

Please stay off the bridge!


Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme