* Your readme is very well done. Here’s additional info to show how to structure a well written readme. You can used this to improve your readme in future projects
* Your commits aren’t atomic, but your commit messages aren’t descriptive. Here’s a guide I think you’ll find interesting & useful for future projects.
* Your repo is well organized. This is very important since you'll spend more time maintaining an app than writing it. Here’s some additional info that may be interesting
* Your code is readable & maintainable. This is very important since you'll spend more time maintaining an app than writing it. I guarantee that in just a few weeks you'll forget the details you know today. Anything you can do to improve readability & maintainability is a gift to your "future self".
* home.html uses <br> tags for line spacing. Suggest using CSS attributes like margin instead to provide more granular spacing.
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/margin* Good use of vanilla JS to manipulate the DOM. This is an important skill to master and one that will help when you start to learn FE frameworks like React, VueJS, SvelteJS, etc.
* Your UI/UX is clear, concise, & engaging. But, the input form takes up a disproportionate amount of space on the page and the radio buttons are too small, as is the anime description text in the search results
* Your app isn’t responsive. This is important given the fact that many users rely on mobile devices.
Here’s some information that may help you understand this for your future apps
* Consider adding your social & professional links, like Twitter, & LinkedIn, to your webpage in addition to your Github. This is especially important if you’ll be sharing this app with potential employers. You want to make it easy for them to learn more about you.
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