📢玖鼎双十二活动规则 / Activity Rules:1. 预购时间:2024年12月9日至10日,仅限两日。在此期间,客户可抢先预购热门商品。
Pre-order period: December 9th to 10th, 2024, only for two days. During this period, customers can pre-order popular items.2. 活动开始:2024年12月09日 00:00 至12月10日 23:59。活动期间,客户须完成积分兑换。
Event Start: From December 9, 2024, 00:00 to December 10, 2024, 23:59. During the event period, customers must complete their points redemption3. 限量商品:商品数量有限,按先到先得原则兑换。
Limited products: The number of products is limited and redemption is on a first-come, first-served basis.
4. 取货地点:仅限菲律宾玖鼎场馆(Okura/Okada/Solaire/Royce/Nustar),不提供国际配送。
Pick-up location: Only at 9 Dynasty venues in the Philippines (Okura/Okada/Solaire/Royce/Nustar). International delivery is not provided.5. 退换政策:本次活动商品仅提供换货服务,不支持退货。特殊商品(如:酒水、食品、美妆品、保养品、内衣裤、香氛香水、手办公仔)一经售出,不予退换。
Return and exchange policy: Only exchange service is provided for the products in this event, and returns are not supported. Special products (such as: wine, food, cosmetics, skin care products, underwear, fragrances and perfumes, hand-made accessories) cannot be returned or exchanged once sold.6. 玖鼎集團保留最终解释权9 Dynasty Group reserves the right of final interpretation