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Important Reminder ❗️ There are many scammers claiming to be 'GMX Support' who will often contact you in private when you ask for support in the main GMX Telegram channel. Be vigilant: real GMX Admins, Mods and Support contributors will never DM you first. Always double-check the @ of the person you are interacting with. Ensure it matches the username of that person in the GMX_IO channel. And there are fake groups on Telegram that imitate @GMX_IO, complete with fake Mods and Admins with the same names as the real Mods in the GMX channel. Please be careful, and double-check that you're in the real GMX channel: πŸ”Ή β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” The only other legit GMX community channels are: πŸ”Ή GMX Announcements > πŸ”Ή GMX Unofficial Trading Chat > πŸ”Ή GMX-Solana > πŸ”Ή GMX Chinese > πŸ”Ή GMX Brasil > β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” No one in the real GMX channel will request you to: - connect your wallet to any website - scan any QR code - interact with any Telegram bot - delegate your GMX tokens on any website (other than DAO Governance platform - migrate your GMX tokens in any way - or do something to receive a GMX airdrop Those are all tricks that scammers use to steal your tokens from you. Please remain vigilant, and block and report any imitators! β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Note: to prevent being added to fake channels, update your Telegram settings now: Go to -> Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Groups & Channels -> and then set 'who can add me to groups & channels' to Nobody. Thank you πŸ™
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