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Everyone can have the personal opinion on death penalty BUT ONLY AFTER READING ALL FACTS BEHIND Part 2 Part 1 b) we are not sure if it much worse the 🛶 prison break or getting 7 years for rape!!! One thing is sure! THIS IS 💩 with 🇳🇴 quality! Mens han har vært på rømmen har mannen sendt flere «meldinger» til politiet. Like etter at han rømte ble Facebook-profilen hans oppdatert med et bilde av to gamle damer som holder opp en plakat med påskriften: «Fuck the police» While he has been on the run, the man has sent several "messages" to the police. Shortly after he escaped, his Facebook profile was updated with a picture of two old ladies holding up a placard with the inscription: "Fuck the police" 🤣 Lørdag ettermiddag forsvant mannen som sonet i Bergen fengsel mens han var på en planlagt handletur sammen med fengselsbetjenter på et kjøpesenter i Åsane. On Saturday afternoon, the man who served time in Bergen prison disappeared while he was on a planned shopping trip together with prison officers at a shopping center in Åsane 😂 Just some example of ridiculous prison breaks! What said Breivik? NORWAY IS TOO LIBERAL ... the reality? NORWAY IS TOO LIBERAL! full of errors! Culp (2005) estimated that print media only reported on 6% of the escapes that occurred in 1997 and 9.2% of the escapes that occurred in 1998 Moreover, research has shown that media are more likely to report on violent crimes than nonviolent ones (e.g., Beckett, 1997; Marsh, 1991). Escapes occurring outside the facility took place when inmates were being transferred, visiting an off-site medical or dental facility, or during an authorized release (e.g., furlough or work release).
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