قناة خاصة بتعليم منهاج اللغة الإنجليزية السوري لطلاب الثالث الإعدادي ولكل شخص يرغب بتطوير لغته.
للتواصل مع المدرس
رامي مكارم
-واتس أب:
-فيس بوك:
• ترجمة المفردات الأساسية التي وردت معنا في النص❤️. excited متحمس Interviewed قابلت biggest أكبر relatives أقارب planned خططت beach شاطئ seaside الساحل popular شائع relaxation إسترخاء ملاحظة: تمت ترجمة المفردات حسب سياقها في النص.
Finally, I talked to Mohammed. He’s 14 and lives with his family in Raka, Syria. Mohammed told me that beach holidays were very popular with Syrians. He said they were going to Lattakia beach and that he was planning to do a lot of relaxation.
Next, I spoke to Emily, 14, from Melbourne in Australia. She told me that Australians loved the beach. But she said that this summer, her family weren’t staying at the seaside. They were going to the mountains.
I then interviewed Vishak. He’s 13 and he lives in Mumbai in India – one of the biggest cities in the world. He told me he was staying at home for the summer because his relatives planned to visit them. He said he was looking forward to seeing his cousins.
Olivia asked different people around the world … What are you doing on your holiday this year?
First of all, I spoke to Zahra, from France. She was very excited. She told me she was visiting her family in Damascus in Syria for the summer holidays. She said that she wanted to visit the Tal Shihab waterfalls and see the water mills.