35 elektrische bussen op Schiphol
Basel orders 62 e-buses: eight 25-meter awarded to HESS (besides the 54 eCitaro) https://perma.cc/72RC-75EJ
MAN has produced 1,000 electric buses so far https://perma.cc/9YUC-LEUU
We are still not completely satisfied. Our goal is for Schiphol to run entirely on renewable energy, some of which will be generated here. That's why we are planning on getting many more solar panels https://perma.cc/W5AY-CXJ9
Electric transportation between gate and plane https://perma.cc/A47D-W5PW
Since 1 January 2018, all Royal Schiphol Group airports run entirely on Eneco Dutch wind power. This is in line with our ambition to be an emission-free airport in 2030 https://perma.cc/J6Q2-GY3C
Backup by @EnergyFactsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme