احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

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قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#lesson 24
✴️ #important_lesson
get ).. معانيها المختلفه وكيفية استخدامها..

✴️يأتي الفعل (
get ) في العادة بمعنى يحصل، لكن عندما يأتي ( get + noun) يكون المعنى هنا ( receive / buy / find/ Fetch )
يستلم / يشتري / يجد/يجلب

🔆I got an email from Sam this morning.(=receive)
👈انا استلمت بريد من سام هذا الصباح.

🔆I like your sweater. Where did you
get it ? (= buy )
👈اعجبني سترتك. من اين اشتريتها؟

🔆It s hard to
get a job at the moment.
(= find )
انه من الصعب ان تجد وظيفة في هذه اللحظة.

🔆Is Lisa here? Yes I ll
get her for you.(≈fetch)
👈هل ليزا هنا ؟ نعم سوف استدعيها لك.

Get +adjective ( صّفَةِ) ≈ #become
get hungry / get cold / get tired .

🔆If you don t eat, you
get hungry.
👈اذا لم تأكل ستشعر بالجوع.

🔆Drink your coffee. It s getting cold.
👈اشرب قهوتك قبل ان تبرد.

🔆I m sorry your mother is ill. I hope she
gets better soon.
👈أنا آسف لإن والدتك مريضة، انا اتمنى ان تتماثل للشفاء قريباً.

🔆It was raining very hard. We don t have an umbrella, so we got very wet.
👈انها كانت تمطر بغزارة، ونحن ليس لدينا مظلة، لذلك تبللنا كثيراً.
get married
🔆Linda and frank are getting married soon
get dressed≈( put your clothes on)
get up and got dressed quickly
get lose ≈ (lose your way)
🔆We went for a wlak and hot lost

Get to + aplace ≈ #arrive (وصل)
🔆I usually
get to work before 8:30
≈(arrive to work)
🔆How did you
get here? By bus

Get home ( with out to)
🔆What time did you
get home last night ?

Get in (يدخل ) Get out ( يخرج)
Get on (يصعد( Get off(ينزل)

Get in / out (تستخدم مع السيارات)
🔆kate got in the car and drove away
🔆a car stopped and aman got out
Get on/ off ( مع الطيارة /الباص / القطار)
🔆We got on the bus outside the hotel and cget off in the airport street.

✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️@E_Langu ✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Lesson 23 #Passive #المبني_للمجهول ✴️When we use an active verb, we say what the subject does: 👈اي بمعنئ نستخدم الجملة الـactive تعني ماذا الفاعل عمل ✴️When we use a passive verb, we say what happens to the subject 👈لكن نستخدم #المبني_للمجهول لنقول ماذا…
#تكملة 👇👇👇👇👈 #المبني_للمجهول 2⃣
✴️بعض االافعال مثل

💠ask 💠offer 💠pay
💠show 💠tell 💠Give
يكون لديها مفعولين لذلك تستطيع تكوين جملتين مبنيات للمجهول لكل فعل :
Active :My grandfather gave me this watch.
Passive :
1⃣was given this watch (by my grandfather).
2⃣This watch was given to me (by my grandfather).
👈لاحظ استخدمنا المفعولين كل مفعول بجملة

✴️عندما نستخدم هذه الافعال لل
#المبني_للمجهول غالبا نبدا بالشخص :

🔅I’ve been offered the job, but I don’t think I want it. (= somebody has offered me the job)

🔅You will be given plenty of time to decide. (= we will give you plenty of time)

🔅I didn’t see the original document, but I was shown a copy. (= somebody showed me a copy)

🔅Tim has an easy job – he’s paid a lot of money to do very little. (= somebody pays him a lot)

✴️I don’t like being …
The passive of doing/seeing etc.
👉 is being done / being seen etc.

#مقارنة :
💠active: I don’t like people telling me what to do.
🔰passive: I don’t like being told what to do.

💠I remember being taken to the zoo when I was a child.
🔰I remember somebody taking me to the zoo)

✴️I was born …
We say ‘I was born …’ (not I am born):
💠I was born in Chicago.
💠 Where were you born? (not Where are you born?)
#but (present)
💠How many babies are born every day?

💠 يَمكن تحويلها للمبني للمجهول :
🔅There was a fight, but nobody got hurt.
👉(= nobody was hurt)
🔅I don’t
get invited to many parties.
👉 (= I’m not invited)
🔅I’m surprised Liz didn’t
get offered the job.👉 (= Liz wasn’t offered the job)

We use
get only when things happen.

For example, you cannot use
get in these sentences:
Jessica is liked by everybody.
gets liked – this is not a ‘happening’)

Peter was a mystery man. Very little was known about him. ( got known)

💠We use
get mainly in informal spoken English. You can use be in all situations.

💠نستخدمها في التعابير expressions
(which are not passive in meaning):
get married 🔅 get divorced
get dressed (= put on your clothes)
get lost (= not know where you are)
get changed (= change your clothes)