احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Logo of the Telegram channel احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR

10 Common English Slang Terms
💟10 المصطلحات العامية الإنجليزية الشائعة💟

🍃 Be there or be square 🍃
#تعني : انه يجب عليك حضور حدث أو سيتم اعتبارك غريبا😳

▪️This means that you should attend an event or you will be considered an outsider

🔸 You’re invited to my birthday party tonight. Be there or be square!
👈 أنت مدعو لحفلة عيد ميلادي الليلة. يجب عليك حضورها أو سيتم اعتبارك غريبا

🍃 Beats me 🍃
#تعني : أنك لا تعرف شيئا.
▪️ This means that you don’t know something. The emphasis is on “me”


🔸 Beats me why he wants such a big car.
👈 لا اعرف لماذا يريد مثل هذه السيارة الكبيرة.

🍃 Bed of roses 🍃

▪️ A luxurious situation or an easy life. (This is commonly used in a negative way)

🔸 Life isn’t always a bed of roses, you know.

🍃 Beef about 🍃
#تعني : يشتكي من شيء
▪️ This means that one complains about someone or something

🔸 They’re always beefing about something.
👈انهم دائما يشتكون من شيء.

🍃 Big mouth 🍃

▪️ A person who talks too much or too loudly; someone who tells secrets

🔸 He went and told them the whole story. He’s such a big mouth.

🍃 Beef something up 🍃

▪️ This means to add strength or substance to something

🔸 We need to beef the campaign up.

🍃 Beemer 🍃

▪️ A slang term for a BMW

🔸 That’s his white Beemer convertible over there.

🍃 Cut a deal 🍃

▪️ To arrange a deal or to seal a bargain

🔸 In they end, they had to cut a deal with the Communinsts.

🍃 Flip side 🍃

▪️ The “other” side of something, such as an argument

🔸 The flip side of the treatment is that it can make patients feel very tired.

🍃 Jack something up 🍃
#تعني : لرفع سعر شيء ما
▪️ This means to raise the price of something

🔸 They’re just interested in jacking up their profit margins.
👈 إنهم مهتمون فقط برفع هوامش ربحهم.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

💬50 British Slang Words & Phrases You Need to Know💬

1️⃣ All mouth and no trousers


All talk, no action, i.e. Braggadocio.


“Don’t listen to him. He’s all mouth and no trousers.”

2️⃣ Argy-bargy

🍃Meaning :

An argument or heated confrontation.


“I’m not interested in getting into an argy-bargy over it.”

3️⃣ Bang to rights


Equivalent of ‘dead to rights.’ Caught in the act. Caught red-handed.


“Police caught Jim Bang to rights outside the bookie’s.”

4️⃣ Bent as a nine-bob note


Metaphor for dishonesty or corruption that references the nine-schilling (bob) note, which does not exist and must therefore be counterfeit.


“That street vendor selling watches is bent as a nine-bob note.”

5️⃣ Blinding

🍃Meaning :

An adjective for excellence.


“The Prime Minister gave a blinding inauguration speech.”

6️⃣ Chuffed


To be very pleased about something.


“Reginald was chuffed about the football match.”

7️⃣ Conk


A blow to the head or nose.


“He conked his head on the doorframe on his way out.”

8️⃣ Corker ➪ "شي او شخص بارز رائع "

Someone or something that/who is outstanding. A standout.

🍂 #Example:
🔆“Great job, Jim. You’re a real corker.”

9️⃣ Do one’s nut
#تعني : أن تصبح غاضبا
To become enraged.
Presumably a reference to doing an impression of a madman (nut).

🔆“I gave him the news, and a he did his nut.
👈 "أعطيته الأخبار, وجن جنونه .

1️⃣0️⃣ Damp Squib

Some thing that fails on all counts. Reference to small explosive charges that fail when wet.

🍂 #Example:

🔆“It looks like the new midfielder is a damp squib.”

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹