احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

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قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR

الصوت اعلاه 👆👆

The number of refugees is increasing around the world. Many people are fleeing their countries because of war; others because they are unsafe in their homeland. They all want to find a new life in a safe country. Multinational companies will help around 250,000 refugees. They will give them a job. The companies made this offer on World Refugee Day. Adidas, Amazon, Pepsi and Starbucks are some of the more than 40 corporations who will help displaced people over the next three years. Kelly Clements, the U.N. Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees, was happy about this news. She said: "The commitments that businesses are going to make are absolutely essential."

Kelly Clements said more than 110 million people have been displaced worldwide. Around 12 million of these are from Ukraine. More than 6.8 million have fled Syria and 5.7 million have left Afghanistan. Ms Kelly said: "Every number is a story of an individual family who left everything, seeking safety, seeking protection and wanting to be able to rebuild." An Amazon spokesperson explained why hiring refugees would benefit the company. He said: "This is good for us as a company because the opportunity to add diversity to our workforce will continue to make us a stronger company." He added that: "Diversity brings innovation, creativity and different points of view."

👉🏻 refugees  لاجئين

👉🏻 flee their country  يفرون من بلدهم

👉🏻 World Refugee Day  اليوم العالمي للاجئين

👉🏻 cooperation شراكة / تنسيق / تعاون

👉🏻 displaced people الأشخاص المُشَرَّدين/النازحين/المُهَجَّرين

- Deputy نائب
👉🏻 Deputy High Commissioner for refugees نائب المفوض السامي لشؤون اللاجئين

👉🏻 commitments  تعهدات / التزامات

👉🏻 essential  أساسي

👉🏻 people have been displaced
أشخاص تم تشريدهم/تهجيرهم

👉🏻 People who left everything
... الأشخاص الذين تركوا كل شيء...

👉🏻 seeking safety, seeking protection...
باحثين عن الأمان و الحماية...

👉🏻 wanting to be able to rebuild
راغبين في القدرة على إعادة البناء

👉🏻 An Amazon spokesperson
متحدث باسم شركة امازون

👉🏻 benefit the company   يُفِيْد الشركة

👉🏻 to add diversity to workforce
لإضافة التنوع للقوى العاملة

👉🏻 "Diversity brings innovation, creativity and different points of view."
التنوع يجلب الابتكار والابداع ووجهات النظر المختلفة

@E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
💞The Butterfly (Struggles):

A man found a cocoon of a butterfly.

One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole.

Until it suddenly stopped making any progress and looked like it was stuck.

So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily, although it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings.

The man didn’t think anything of it and sat there waiting for the wings to enlarge to support the butterfly. But that didn’t happen. The butterfly spent the rest of its life unable to fly, crawling around with tiny wings and a swollen body.

Despite the kind heart of the man, he didn’t understand that the restricting cocoon and the struggle needed by the butterfly to get itself through the small opening; were God’s way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings. To prepare itself for flying once it was out of the cocoon.

🔺Moral: Our struggles in life develop our strengths. Without struggles, we never grow and never get stronger, so it’s important for us to tackle challenges on our own, and not be، relying on help from others

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
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🇺🇲 Read An Article From CNN With Me | Advanced English Vocabulary Lesson

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
💞Never to Give Up

One day a farmer s donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old and the well needed to be covered up anyway it just wasn t worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and begin to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone s amazement he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well and was astonished at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that fell on his back, the donkey was doing some thing amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up.

Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and totted off!

🔺Moral: Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick is too not to get bogged down by it. We can get out of the deepest wells by not stopping. And by never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up!

🌙🌙🌙 @E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙

💜Lesson Learned

One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.

On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, “How was the trip?”
“It was great, Dad.”
“Did you see how poor people live?” the father asked.
“Oh yeah,” said the son.
“So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?” asked the father.
The son answered: “I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night. Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.
“We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight.

“We have servants who serve us, but they serve others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs.
“We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them.”
The boy’s father was speechless.
Then his son added, “Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are.”

🔺Moral: Love, Unity, Care, Satisfaction is richer than any comfort money gives.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

Most People Gauge Things By Their Utility

Once there was a farmer who owned a large garden with variety of fruit-trees. But one mango tree got barren. Though, it no longer had any fruits, it provided shelter to many birds.

Finding the mango tree useless, farmer decided to fell it. The moment, he was about to cut the tree with his axe, the birds living on the tree begged him, "Spare this tree, sir! If you fell it, we will become homeless and have to go elsewhere. Moreover, it will deprive you of our merry notes when you are here at work."

But the farmer turned a deaf-ear to the plea of the birds and struck at the tree with his axe. A few strokes of axe discovered a hollow in the tree-stem containing a large honey-comb inside it.

Delighted at his find, the farmer thought in his mind, "This tree is really worth keeping. If not mangoes, then honey can make me money. So, I must not fell it."

The farmer was very clever. Finding the tree to be useless, he decided to get rid of it but the moment he came to know that the tree was still fruitful, he decided to keep it.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

💜Lesson Learned

One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.

On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, “How was the trip?”
“It was great, Dad.”
“Did you see how poor people live?” the father asked.
“Oh yeah,” said the son.
“So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?” asked the father.
The son answered: “I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night. Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.
“We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight.

“We have servants who serve us, but they serve others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs.
“We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them.”
The boy’s father was speechless.
Then his son added, “Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are.”

🔺Moral: Love, Unity, Care, Satisfaction is richer than any comfort money gives.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
Walt Disney
Where is “the happiest place on earth”? Some say it is Disneyland! Do you know the person who created this amazing theme park? He was a man named Walt Disney. Walt Disney was a pioneer in motion pictures. He also created Mickey Mouse and the Disney World theme parks. Walt Disney received hundreds of awards from all over the world.
Walt Disney was born in Chicago, Illinois. He was raised on a farm in Missouri with four other siblings. Walt’s parents, Flora and Elias Disney, encouraged his creativity and sketches and drawings. Walt sold his first sketches at the age of seven.
After serving some time in the Red Cross, Walt got a job as an advertising cartoonist. This was where he marketed and created his first animated cartoon. In 1925, Walt married Lillian Bounds. They had two daughters. Another important member of the family was brought to life in 1928. That was Mickey Mouse.
Walt perfected the combination of animation and sound. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was created in 1937. Since then, the Disney name has gone on to produce hundreds of animated movies.
Challenge yourself with the test below.
-- ----------------------------------------
🔻#قصة اليوم :
🐍🤴The Prince and The Snake:
The kingdom of Vijaygarh had a wise and kind King. People were happy. But the King himself was sad and worried. A devilish snake had entered his son’s body. Neither medicine nor magic worked to cure his son.

When the Prince grew up, he thought, “It is because of me that my father worried." And one day, he left the palace. Wandering, he came to another kingdom. He found a desolate temple and started living there. He begged for food.

The King of that kingdom was cruel. But he had a kind and beautiful daughter. The King was unhappy with his daughter. That girl was always ridiculing her father’s hard work. The King thought, “She is always talking to me low of my hard work. I must marry her to a beggar. Then she will know what hard work is."

So, when the beggar Prince came to beg for food in the Palace, the cruel King forced him to marry his daughter. The Prince and his new bride started for the desolate temple. On their way, they stopped to take rest. The Princess went around in search of food, while her husband went to sleep.

When the Princess came back, she was shocked to see a snake sitting on her husband’s mouth. On a mount nearby sat another snake. They were talking among themselves. “Why do not you leave the body of the Prince? He is so kind and gentle," said the snake sitting on the mound. “You too are evil! You attack passers-by. You should not be telling me what to do," replied the snake sitting on the mouth of the Prince.

The Princess killed both the snakes with all her courage. When her husband woke up, she told him about the two snakes. The Prince was happy. Then he told her who he really was. They set off to the Prince’s palace. The King was delighted to see his son. When the King learned that the devilish snake was killed, his joy knew no bounds. The Prince and the Princess lived happily for a long time. After few years, the Kingdom celebrated the day on which the Royal couple gave birth to twins of one boy and one girl.

🌙🌙🌙 @E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙

The Wise Man

People have been coming to the wise man, complaining about the same problems every time. One day he told them a joke and everyone roared in laughter.
After a couple of minutes, he told them the same joke and only a few of them smiled.
When he told the same joke for the third time no one laughed anymore.
The wise man smiled and said:
“You can’t laugh at the same joke over and over. So why are you always crying about the same problem?”

🔺Moral of the story:
Worrying won’t solve your problems, it’ll just waste your time and energy.

🌙🌙🌙 @E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

✴️ The Frog 🐸 & the Mouse 🐭

A young Mouse in search of adventure was running along the bank of a pond where lived a Frog. When the Frog saw the Mouse, he swam to the bank and croaked:

"Won t you pay me a visit? I can promise you a good time if you do."

The Mouse did not need much coaxing, for he was very anxious to see the world and everything in it. But though he could swim a little, he did not dare risk going into the pond without some help.

The Frog had a plan. He tied the Mouse s leg to his own with a tough reed. Then into the pond he jumped, dragging his foolish companion with him. The Mouse soon had enough of it and wanted to return to shore; but the treacherous Frog had other plans. He pulled the Mouse down under the water and drowned him. But before he could untie the reed that bound him to the dead Mouse, a Hawk came sailing over the pond. Seeing the body of the Mouse floating on the water, the Hawk swooped down, seized the Mouse and carried it off, with the Frog dangling from its leg. Thus at one swoop he had caught both meat and fish for his dinner.

Those who seek to harm others often come to harm themselves through their own deceit.

🔸croaked ➠ نعيق 🔹coaxing ➠ تملق
🔸reed ➠ قصب 🔹shore ➠ الشاطئ
🔸treacherous ➠ غدار 🔹Hawk ➠ صقر
🔸seized ➠ امسك 🔹dangling ➠ معلق
🔸Thus ➠ وهكذا 🔹deceit ➠ خداع
🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
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TOEFL® Reading Questions - Factual and Negative Factual Information | Inside the TOEFL® Test
🔸 meteorite ➠ نيزك
🔸contradict ➠ تناقض
🔸factual ➠ حقيقي& واقعي
🔸explicitly/ Frankly ➠ بوضوح & صراحة

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
<unknown> – 1190-Learners

Jana: So we re talking about learning English. Has that worked for you in any other languages too?

Peter: Actually I thought about that question before and I started studying Japanese a few years ago. I shouldn t say studying because I haven t studied so much but for some reason my Japanese learning is very different to my English learning.

Jana: How is it different?

Peter: I ve learned, the little bit of Japanese that I ve learned, I ve learned through listening mostly and having to speak or, you know, helping myself in daily situations. I haven t been able to master enough kanji and Japanese symbols to be able to read it well or to write it well at all. So I couldn t, like before I studied English, a lot of English came to me because I read so much but now I can t read in Japanese so I m having to rely on listening mostly and how about you?

Jana: Yeah, I learned Spanish in a similar way I learned English and that is I did study but I didn t think of it as studying. It was fun for me but I did a lot of homework and learning vocabulary and then once I reached a certain level then I went to Spain to practice but with Japanese I haven t reached that level yet and somehow I seem to have forgotten how to learn a language. It doesn t work any more so, yeah, I have been trying to learn Japanese for a few years but I think my brain has just become lazy.

Peter: It s interesting. Maybe our brains tackle every language in a different way, I don t know, because I m also finding out it s becoming more difficult but maybe we re only getting older and that s maybe one of the reasons.

Jana: Maybe so.

Peter: Do you think age matters as you ve, for language learning?

Jana: I would like to say no but I think there are different factors. So, surely, when you re young you learn faster and I think especially because there s nothing else that s occupying your mind. You re just studying. Maybe you go to high school or even university so it s easy to take on another subject. So say I want to learn French or whatever, so it s just more similar kind of thing learning but once you start working and your brain is not used to that kind of input any more, I think then it becomes more difficult.

Peter: So age might have something to do with it? But I think though I had this old friend who started, he retired and then he started studying French and he studied French I believe when he was in his twenties but then he started working and gave up and then he started again and he could afford to go to France for three months and just learn and live there and he came back and at the age of sixty five and he was so much better in his French and he d made some French friends, so I think it has a lot to do maybe with your motivation too maybe, your interest.

Jana: That s right. I was just going to say maybe more so than age.

Peter: Yeah.

Jana: Maybe when you re young you might be more eager to learn but if you have that same kind of motivation when you re older then why not?

Peter: Because a lot of people take up studying a language later in life when they have more time or maybe more money to spend on it.

Jana: That s right. OK, let s try a bit harder.

Peter: I think so too. Let s try harder.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

🔺The Fox Without a Tail🔺

A Fox that had been caught in a trap, succeeded at last, after much painful tugging, in getting away. But he had to leave his beautiful bushy tail behind him.
For a long time he kept away from the other Foxes, for he knew well enough that they would all make fun of him and crack jokes and laugh behind his back. But it was hard for him to live alone, and at last he thought of a plan that would perhaps help him out of his trouble.
He called a meeting of all the Foxes, saying that he had something of great importance to tell the tribe.
When they were all gathered together, the Fox Without a Tail got up and made a long speech about those Foxes who had come to harm because of their tails.
This one had been caught by hounds when his tail had become entangled in the hedge. That one had not been able to run fast enough because of the weight of his brush. Besides, it was well known, he said, that men hunt Foxes simply for their tails, which they cut off as prizes of the hunt. With such proof of the danger and uselessness of having a tail, said Master Fox, he would advise every Fox to cut it off, if he valued life and safety.
When he had finished talking, an old Fox arose, and said, smiling:
"Master Fox, kindly turn around for a moment, and you shall have your answer."
When the poor Fox Without a Tail turned around, there arose such a storm of jeers and hooting, that he saw how useless it was to try any longer to persuade the Foxes to part with their tails.

🌀Do not listen to the advice of him who seeks to lower you to his own level.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
⚡️ #channel_index⚡️

⚡️ #American_vs_British
⚡️ #binomials
⚡️ #Confused_words
⚡️ #funny
💟 #IELTS_Vocabulary
⚡️ #Illustrated_vocabulary
⚡️ #informal_formal
⚡️ #johncast
⚡️ #Lesson_for_beginners
⚡️ #Newspaper
⚡️ #Pronunciation
⚡️ #Pronunciation_rules
⚡️ #Pronunciation_Tips
⚡️ #play
⚡️ #Spelling_rules
⚡️ #Try_to_speak
⚡️ #Word_of_the_day
⚡️ #visible_phrases
⚡️ #Valuable_topics
⚡️ #vocabulary

★ Best of luck & enjoy reading! 📖😊

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

✴️Describe a time when you receive congratulations from others
You should say:
-  what the situation was
-  who congratulated you
-  why you were congratulated
-  and explain how you felt.

Ok, well I think a good time to talk about would be the day when I got the results of my university entrance exam, which was about three years ago.
I remember feeling super nervous that day. If I got the grades I needed, I would be able to go to the university of my choice, whereas if I did badly, then not only would I not get into a prestigious university, I also wouldn't even be able to study the major I wanted. So when the letter with the results came through the post, my hands shook so much I could barely open it. And when I did finally get it open, I had to ask my dad to read it for me.
When I saw my dad’s reaction, I knew I must have done quite well, because his eyes really lit up when he looked at the letter, and he had a huge, great big smile on his face, which stretched, literally, from ear to ear. And after my parents both congratulated me, they made me call up all my relatives and tell them the good news.
And finally, regarding how I felt that day, well, it was actually a huge relief more than anything. You know, my parents had been so supportive to me throughout my studies, so I really didn't want to let them down. My parent rarely complimented on most achievements I made, but that time they told me how proud they were, which made me feel over the moon and more determined to do well at my university, as I saw how much it meant to them.

🔸prestigious ➠ مرموقة
🔸super nervous ➠ متوتر جدا
🔸his eyes really lit up ➠ متحمس وسعيد 😍

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
#Reading 📃

🎙Read and Record🎙

Twitter has a new boss

Jack Dorsey, an American technological entrepreneur and philanthropist, is stopping his job as Twitter’s CEO, giving control of the microblogging site that he helped start and built into a global communications platform.

Despite being widely used, Twitter has struggled to keep up with other social media platforms. Dorsey will help at the San Francisco company until his term ends in 2022. In a statement, Dorsey said that the company was ready to change from the people who started it.

Parag Agrawal, Chief Technology Officer who joined Twitter in 2011, was promoted to CEO. Dorsey said that Parag´s work over the past 10 years had been transformational, and he trusted Parag and his skills. It was his time to lead.

Difficult words:
📩 #Philanthropist : "محسن & فاعل خير"
(a person who gives money to help people who are in need)
📩 #Entrepreneur : "رائد أعمال"
(a person who starts his own business),
#Step_down "يستقيل"
(to end a job in an important position or office).
📩 #Microblogging : "مدونات صغيره "
(the activity of making short, frequent posts),
📩#Transformational : (producing a big change or improvement in a situation).
📩 #CEO : ➠ (الرئيس التنفيذي)
( an abbreviation stands for (Chief Executive Officer); the head manager of a company.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
🗄 The Office - I need an assistant! 🗄

A: ...like I told you before, we just don’t have the resources to hire you an assistant.

B: I understand that, but the fact is we’re understaffed.

A: The timing is just not right. The economy is bad, and it’s too risky to take on new staff.

B: Yeah, I guess you’re right... Here’s an idea, what if we hire an intern? She would take some of the weight off my shoulders.

A: She?

B: Yeah, you know, a recent graduate. She could give me a hand with some of these projects and we could keep our costs down.

A: That sounds reasonable... Let me see what I can do.

A: Tony, I’d like to introduce you to your new assistant.

B: OK, great! Let’s meet her!

C: Hi, I’m Adam.

B: Oh... hi... I’m Tony...


🗄 #Key_Vocabulary 🗄

resources - money "المال"
understaffed - not enough people to do the job "نقص بالموضفين"
the timing is just not right - it is not a good time now "إنه ليس الوقت المناسب الآن "
weight off my shoulders - remove pressure or stress "إزالة الضغط أو الإجهاد"
give me a hand - help "ساعدني"
that sounds reasonable - is OK "تمام"


🗄 Supplementary Vocabulary 🗄

recruit - hire "يستاجر& يوظف"
overworked - work too much أكثر من طاقتهم
short staffed - not enough people to do the job "لا يكفي من الناس للقيام بهذه المهمة"
cut costs - reduce spending "خفض الإنفاق"
overstaffed - having too many employees
"وجود عدد كبير جدا من الموظفين"



🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

📚 Homeschooling 📚

A: I think we should home school our children when we decide to have kids.

B: What? Why?

A: Well, our public schools here are not very good and private school are just too expensive. I have been reading up on home schooling and it has a lot of advantages.

B: Like what? I think that by doing something like that we would be isolating our children from social interaction.

A: Well, first of all, I would be able to teach them everything they learn in school in a more relaxed and fun way. I also think that having a one-on-one class is much better since you can focus more on his or her strengths or weaknesses.

B: I think neither your parents or mine would agree to such an idea.

A: I will bring it up over Sunday brunch.

B: Good luck with that!

home school - 🔸 لتعليم الأطفال في المنزل
first of all 🔸 - firstly "اولا"
read up -
🔸لإجراء بحث أو إرشاد نفسك حول موضوع ما
isolate - 🔸يعزل
social interaction -
🔸المقابلات والتحدث والقيام بأنشطة مع الناس

one-on-one - 🔸التقاء أو فصل بين شخصين
strengths - 🔸 القوة
weakness - 🔸 الضعف
bring something up -
🔸لذكر او فتح الموضوع للمناقشة



GED - general education diploma which is the equivalent of a high school diploma
SAT - Scholastic Aptitude Test is a test which is taken throughout the US as an admission test to US colleges
tutor - a person employed in the education of others, either individually or in groups
recess - a short period of free time between school classes
quiz - a short quick test



🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️