احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Логотип телеграм канала احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
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قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR
Thank you, guys! 👏🏻👏🏻

والفرق الرئيسي هو أننا:

1️⃣Fix the whole thing/situation.
👈 إصلاح كل شيء/الحالة.
2️⃣Repair a part of the thing.
👈إصلاح جزء من الشيء.
3️⃣Mend something less complicated.
👈إصلاح شيء أقل تعقيدا.

#لذلك ..
the machine needs to be fixed.
The broken part needs to be repaired.
The flag needs to be mended.

📚The details:

1️⃣ Fix

⚫️We usually use “fix” to focus on the general problem. It means we want something to go back to how it was before.

🔹Do you know anyone who can fix my phone?

⚫️We also use it to talk about relationships between people.

🔹She said she’s really angry with me. I need to fix this.

2️⃣ Repair

🔴When a machine or technological device doesn’t work, it’s usually because one part of it is broken. This is when we use “repair”:

🔹If you want to fix your bike, you’ll have to repair the wheel.

3️⃣ Mend

This one is a little old-fashioned and we don’t use it so much anymore.

⚪️We usually use “mend” when we want to describe something easier and quicker to fix. We don’t need a professional to mend something.

🔹She asked him to mend her doll for her.
🔹I was always good at mending clothes when I was a kid.

⚪️We can also use it to describe relationships, but only in very formal (often political) situations, with the phrase “mend relations with”:

🔹After 10 years of war, the president made a move to mend relations with the neighbouring country.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

💢THE ACCUSED "المتهم"

🔺The accused HAVE nothing to say for themselves.

🔺The accused HAS nothing to say for himself/herself.

👈يستخدم في السياقات القانونية الرسمية للإشارة إلى شخص واحد أو أكثر ، ولكن علينا أن نقول #لذلك:
تعامل كـ اسم غير معدود
🔘he's/she's accused✔️ "هو / هي متهمة"
🔘he's/she's an accused

🔘they're accused✔️ "إنهم متهمون"
🔘they're accuseds

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
#Relative_clauses with who/that/which


💠Last week we had a party and a lot of people came. Everybody enjoyed it.
💠 الاسبوع السابق كان معانا حفلة والعديد من الناس حظرو كل شخص استمتع به: #لذلك 👇

🔆Everybody who came to the party enjoyed it.
💠ـ A clause: هو جزء من الجملة .
💠ـA relative clause : تخبرنا من الشخص او ايش الشي (او ماهو نوع الشخص او الشيء) الذي يعنيه المتحدث :

🔆the woman who lives next door to me
👈ـ‘who lives next door to me’(تعني من هي المرأه )
🔆people who complain all the time
👈(ـwho complain all the time’ (تخبرنا نوع الاشخاص )

✴️نستخدم who في الجملة الموصولة (irelative clause ) للاشخاص "people" ليس للاشياء things:

🔆The woman who lives next door to me is a doctor.
🔆I don’t like people who complain all the time.
🔆An architect is someone who designs buildings.
🔆What was the name of the person who called?
🔆Do you know anyone who wants to buy a car?

✴️ايضا نتسخدم " that' للاشخاص "people" لكن لانستخدم which:
🔆The woman that lives next door to me is a doctor. ( the woman which)
✴️بعض احيان يجب علينا استخدام who وليس (that) للاشخاص "people

✴️عندمانتحدث عن الاشياء , نستخدم that او which
ولانستخدم ( who) :
🔆I don’t like stories that have unhappy endings.
or stories which have unhappy endings.
👈 لا أحب القصص التي لها نهايات غير سعيدة.

🔆Grace works for a company that makes furniture.
or … a company which makes furniture

👈تعمل جريس في الشركة التي تصنع الأثاث.
🔆The machine that broke down is working again now.
or The machine which broke down …
👈الآلة التي تعطلت تعمل مرة أخرى الآن

📍في هذه الامثلة that اكثر اعتادية من which لكن بعض احيان يجب استخدام which

✴️في الجمل الموصولة نستخدم who/that/which, وليس he/she/they/it.

🔰 #مقارنة
🔆I met a Canadian woman at the party. She is an English teacher. (جملتين)

🔆I met a Canadian woman who is an English teacher. (جملة واحده)

🔰I can’t find the keys. They were on the table. (جملتين)
🔰Where are the keys that were on the table? (the keys they were)(جملة واحده)

✴️تستخدم What بمعنئ = the thing(s) that
👈 #بمعنى :الشي الذي
🔰 مقارنة بين what and that:
🔆What happened was my fault.
(= the thing that happened)
👈الشي الذي حدث كان غلطتي
🔆Everything that happened was my fault.
(Everything what happened)
👈الاشياء التي حدثت كانت مشكلتي
👈هنا نقول that لاننا ذكرنا كلمة الاشياء"Everything"

🔆The machine that broke down is now working again.
(🔅The machine what broke down)