احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

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قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

#Word_order 2⃣: adverbs with the verb

✴️ بعض الظروف مثل (always, also, probably) تأتي مع الفعل في منتصف الجملة :
🔆Emily always drives to work.
🔆We were feeling very tired and we were also hungry.
🔆The meeting will probably be cancelled.

✴️إذا كان الفعل كلمة واحدة يكون الظرف قبل الفعل:

Subject adverb verb
Emily always drives to work
I almost fell as I was going down the staris

🔆I cleaned the house and also cooked the dinner. (not cooked also)
🔆Laura hardly ever watches television and rarely reads newspapers.
🔆‘Shall I give you my address?’ ‘No, I already have it.’

✴️لاحظ الظروف (always/usually/also etc.) تأتي قبل have to … :

🔆Joe never phones me. I always have to phone him. (not I have always to phone)

🔸لكنها بعد " am/is/are/was/were " :

🔆We were feeling very tired and we were also hungry. (not also were)
🔆You’re always late. You’re never on time.
🔆The traffic isn’t usually as bad as it was this morning.

✴️ إذا كان الفعل عبارة عن كلمتين أو أكثر مثل
(can remember / will be cancelled)
الظرف عادة ما يكون بعد الفعل الأول (can/doesn’t/will etc.):

🔆You’ve always been very kind to me.
🔆Jack can’t cook. He can’t even boil an egg.
🔆Do you still work for the same company?
🔆The house was only built a year ago and it’s already falling down.

💠تأتي كلمة "probably " قبل النفي (isn’t/won’t etc.)
🔆I probably won’t see you.
🔆I’ll probably not see you. (but not I won’t probably)


We also use all and both with the verb in the middle of a sentence:
We all felt ill after the meal. (not felt all ill)
My parents are both teachers.
Sarah and Jane have both applied for the job.
My friends are all going out tonight.
Sometimes we use is/will/did etc. instead of repeating part of a sentence (see Unit 51):
Tom says he isn’t clever, but I think he is. (= he is clever)
When we do this, we put always/never etc. before the verb:
He always says he won’t be late, but he always is. (= he is always late)
I’ve never done it and I never will. (= I will never do it)

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

#Word_order 2⃣: adverbs with the verb

✴️ بعض الظروف مثل (always, also, probably) تأتي مع الفعل في منتصف الجملة :
🔆Emily always drives to work.
🔆We were feeling very tired and we were also hungry.
🔆The meeting will probably be cancelled.

✴️إذا كان الفعل كلمة واحدة يكون الظرف قبل الفعل:

Subject adverb verb
Emily always drives to work
I almost fell as I was going down the staris

🔆I cleaned the house and also cooked the dinner. (not cooked also)
🔆Laura hardly ever watches television and rarely reads newspapers.
🔆‘Shall I give you my address?’ ‘No, I already have it.’

✴️لاحظ الظروف (always/usually/also etc.) تأتي قبل have to … :

🔆Joe never phones me. I always have to phone him. (not I have always to phone)

🔸لكنها بعد " am/is/are/was/were " :

🔆We were feeling very tired and we were also hungry. (not also were)
🔆You’re always late. You’re never on time.
🔆The traffic isn’t usually as bad as it was this morning.

✴️ إذا كان الفعل عبارة عن كلمتين أو أكثر مثل
(can remember / will be cancelled)
الظرف عادة ما يكون بعد الفعل الأول (can/doesn’t/will etc.):

🔆You’ve always been very kind to me.
🔆Jack can’t cook. He can’t even boil an egg.
🔆Do you still work for the same company?
🔆The house was only built a year ago and it’s already falling down.

💠تأتي كلمة "probably " قبل النفي (isn’t/won’t etc.)
🔆I probably won’t see you.
🔆I’ll probably not see you. (but not I won’t probably)


We also use all and both with the verb in the middle of a sentence:
We all felt ill after the meal. (not felt all ill)
My parents are both teachers.
Sarah and Jane have both applied for the job.
My friends are all going out tonight.
Sometimes we use is/will/did etc. instead of repeating part of a sentence (see Unit 51):
Tom says he isn’t clever, but I think he is. (= he is clever)
When we do this, we put always/never etc. before the verb:
He always says he won’t be late, but he always is. (= he is always late)
I’ve never done it and I never will. (= I will never do it)

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Word_order : verb + object; place and time

✴️ Verb + object "الفعل +المفعول به "

الفعل والمفعول به يكونان عادة معا. نحن لا نضع عادة كلمات أخرى بينهما:

Subject Verb Object
I like my job verymuch
Our guide spoke english fluently
I didn’t use my phone yesterday
Do you eat meat every day?

🔆I lost all my money and I also lost my passport.
👈لقد فقدت كل أموالي وفقدت جواز سفري أيضا.
(I lost also my passport)

🔆At the end of this street you’ll see a supermarket on your left.
👈في نهاية هذا الشارع سترى سوبر ماركت على يسارك.
(see on your left a supermarket)

✴️ #Place "المكان"
الفعل والمكان (أين?) عادة ما نذهب معا
🔸Go home
🔸live in a city
🔸 walk to work
💠إذا كان الفعل يحتوي على مفعول به ، فإن الترتيب هو: الفاعل+الفعل+المفعول به + المكان 👇
Subject Verb Object place
We took the children to the zoo.
Don’t put anything on the table.
Did you learn English at school?

✴️#Time "الوقت"
💠 الوقت يكتب بعد المكان
(when? / how often? / how long?)

Subject place time
Ben walks to work every morning
I’m going to Paris on Monday
They’ve lived in the same house for a long time.

We need to be at the airport by 8 o’clock
Sarah gave me a lift home after the party
You really shouldn’t go to bed so late


💠أحيانا نضع الوقت في بداية الجملة :
🔆On Monday I’m going to Paris.
🔆After the party Sarah gave me a lift home.
💠بعض كلمات الوقت مثل
( always/never/usually)

👈تأتي مع الفعل في منتصف الجملة.

🔆 I always go to my uncle

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹