Bundeswehr Militär Armee - Nachrichten und Sicherheit auf Telegram Deutschland: Heer, Luftwaffe, Marine, Polizei

Логотип телеграм канала Bundeswehr Militär Armee - Nachrichten und Sicherheit auf Telegram Deutschland: Heer, Luftwaffe, Marine, Polizei
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Ein Projekt von TelegramDeutscheFreaks - Deutschland auf Telegram: @DeutschlandTelegram @MissionDeutschland @MissionDeutsch @VerbrechenMeldenTelegram @WarnmeldungenDeutschland
#Rheinmetall AG and 🇺🇦 #Ukraine, represented by the Minister of Strategic Industries, @AKamyshin, signed a #MoU to expand their strategic cooperation during the #UkraineRecoveryConference in Berlin.

The agreement aims to identify and develop further areas for closer #cooperation between the #Ukrainian #defense industry and Rheinmetall.



Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
The political opening of the #Rheinmetall #Ukrainian #Defense Industry LLC maintenance and repair centre in western #Ukraine 🇺🇦 took place yesterday (10 June 2024).

On this occasion, the Ukrainian Minister of Strategic Industries, @AKamyshin, visited the site there.

https://t.co/I1lS4h9mp5 #Rheinmetall #defence #military #army


Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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Before the war, #Ukrainian soldiers Volodymyr, Ivan and Yevhen worked as a farmer, railway mechanic and truck driver respectively. Today, they protect their fellow Ukrainians from Russian airstrikes with the help of Gepard anti-aircraft gun systems supplied by Germany. 1/3

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
With funds from the Federal Foreign Office @GermanyDiplo and thanks to @helpfromgermany and their cooperation with the #Ukrainian NGO Districtone.Foundation, Oksana and her family were able to build a new home where their old house once stood. 1/2

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
German Air Force surface-to-air missile units ended #NATO enhanced Vigilance Activities in Poland with a parade to mark two eventful years with three missions in Slovakia, Poland and Lithuania, as well as the training of #Ukrainian soldiers on the Patriot system.

Ein dreifaches "Missile Away". Unsere Flugabwehrraketenverbände haben mit einem Appell die @NATO-Mission enhanced Vigilance Activities 🇵🇱 (eVA POL) abgeschlossen. 2 bewegte Jahre mit 3 Missionen in 🇸🇰 , 🇵🇱 und 🇱🇹 sowie der Ausbildung von🇺🇦 an den Patriots liegen hinter uns. - Team Luftwaffe

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
The #Eurofighters from the 🇩🇪 contingent in #NATO enhanced Air Policing South in 🇷🇴 were scrambled for the first time today in connection with increased Russian activities following the presumed downing of an SU-24 by #Ukrainian forces last night. #WeAreNATO

Die #Eurofighter des 🇩🇪 EinsKtgt eAPS in 🇷🇴 wurden heute zum ersten Mal scharf alarmiert. Der Einsatz stand im Zusammenhang mit verstärkten 🇷🇺 Aktivitäten nach dem vermutlichen Abschuss einer SU-24 durch 🇺🇦 Kräfte in der heutigen Nacht.
- Team Luftwaffe

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
#ICYMI: The #Bundeswehr #army Special Operations Forces Command is training #Ukrainian 🇺🇦 special forces. Find out more here (article in 🇩🇪): bundeswehr.de/de/organisatio…

Das Kommando Spezialkräfte (#KSK) bildet ukrainische #Spezialkräfte aus. 👇
- Bundeswehr

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
🇩🇪 German Federal Cartel Office gives go-ahead to joint venture between #Rheinmetall and 🇺🇦 #Ukrainian Defence Industry rheinmetall.com/en/media/new… #Ukraine #Defence #Takingresponsibility


Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
#Ukrainian troops have broken through the first Russian defence line to the south of #Zaporizhzhia. Major General Christian Freuding of the #Bundeswehr explains here what the territorial gains mean for #Ukraine. (Interview in 🇩🇪.)

Ukrainische Truppen haben südlich von #Saporischschja die erste russische Verteidigungslinie durchbrochen. Was die Geländegewinne für die #Ukraine bedeuten, erklärt Generalmajor Dr. Freuding in der neuen Folge #Nachgefragt 👇
- Verteidigungsministerium

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Putin’s criminal war of aggression against all of 🇺🇦 since February 2022 has claimed too many innocent #Ukrainian victims and caused untold suffering. 🇩🇪will continue supporting #Ukraine with weapons, training and relief supplies for as long as it takes. 2/2

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
For 18 months, Putin has had bombs rained down on #Ukrainian towns and innocent people. In these 18 months, the people of 🇺🇦 have reminded us through their courage and irrepressible will to live in peace how precious our freedom is.
Es sind eineinhalb Jahre, seit Putin Bomben auf ukrainische Städte, auf unschuldige Menschen hageln lässt. Aber auch eineinhalb Jahre, in denen die Ukrainer*innen uns mit ihrem Mut & unbändigen Willen zu einem Leben in Frieden daran erinnern, wie kostbar unsere Freiheit ist. 1/2 - Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
As they advance, #Ukrainian soldiers face #minefields and heavily fortified Russian army positions. In this interview (in 🇩🇪), Lieutenant Colonel Spieß of the #Bundeswehr explains how these complex defence systems can be overcome.

Auf ihrem Vormarsch treffen die #Ukrainer auf #Minenfelder und gut ausgebaute Stellungen der 🇷🇺 Armee. Wie diese komplexen Verteidigungssysteme überwunden werden können, erklärt Oberstleutnant Spieß in der neuen Folge von #Nachgefragt 👇https://t.co/4SVxgR1Jht https://t.co/2KkbLN1vhN - Verteidigungsministerium

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @GermanyUNGeneva: ‘We will not forget you.' Today, at #HRC52 in Geneva, @ABaerbock called for accountability in human rights violations, addressing the abduction of #Ukrainian children, the violent suppression of protests in #Iran & aid programs missing to reach #women & children in Afghanistan. https://t.co/8l4ImH4ak4

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
At the end of the #Ramstein meeting, Defence Minister Pistorius held in-depth talks with his #Ukrainian counterpart @oleksiireznikov. Germany will continue liaising directly with Kyiv in order to keep providing targeted support for the fight against Russian aggression. https://t.co/XyA1jg99xP
Zum Ende des #Ramstein-Treffens führte Verteidigungsminister Pistorius ausführliche Gespräche mit seinem 🇺🇦 Counterpart @oleksiireznikov. 🇩🇪 wird weiter im direkten Austausch mit Kiew stehen um die #Ukraine auch zukünftig gezielt im Kampf gegen die 🇷🇺 Aggression zu unterstützen. https://t.co/0lhcIEKh12 - Verteidigungsministerium

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @GER_OSCE: Accountability matters!
No country should be able to wage a war in the 21st century and get away with it.
That’s why 🇩🇪FM @ABaerbock calls for a Special Tribunal for Aggression in The Hague, based on 🇺🇦 #Ukrainian law and supplemented with international elements.
#Zeitenwende https://t.co/54vtCOt8BX
Russia's war against #Ukraine is also a brutal attack on international law. #Zeitenwende means: We must also find new answers in international law so that it can carry its full strength. @ABaerbock at the @HagueAcademy for International Law. 1/6 https://t.co/g60UKcJtYz - GermanForeignOffice

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Families Minister @lisapaus met #Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany @Makeiev today. Topics discussed included the situation of orphans who have been evacuated to Germany, as well as future cooperation. Thanks for the good discussion! https://t.co/7TrKl93WTo
Heute hat Familienministerin @lisapaus den ukrainischen Botschafter @Makeiev getroffen. Dabei ging es unter anderem um die Situation von nach Deutschland evakuierten Waisenkindern und die künftige Zusammenarbeit. Danke für den guten Austausch 🤝 https://t.co/sff3cCPohr - Familien-, Senioren-, Frauen- & Jugendministerium

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @Ptassek: More attacks on civil infrastructure, using the cold weather as a weapon. Militarily pointless, but inhuman and simply a crime. Anyone remembers Russia's initial propaganda, which claimed to "free" Ukrainians? We see much clearer now. https://t.co/J2DKM7MN6D
This night, Russia attacked #Ukraine again with Shakhed drones. #Ukrainian Air Defence shut down 30 out of 35.

As a result of this attack, critical infrastructure was damaged.
#RussiaIsATerroistState #ArmUkraineNow
#CloseUAskyNOW https://t.co/7uSmhZ1TD4
- MFA of Ukraine 🇺🇦

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @JosepBorrellF: #UNGA unequivocally rejected Russia’s illegal annexation of #Ukrainian territories, another blatant violation of the @UN Charter.

143 votes in favour confirm Russia’s international isolation.

Russia will be held accountable. The EU will stand by Ukraine for as long as it takes. https://t.co/qqW8KHHfyP

Inspekteur des Sanitätsdienstes der Bundeswehr

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @HelgaSchmid_SG: The war against Ukraine🇺🇦 is not gender neutral.

Grateful to #Ukrainian women peacebuilders & mediators I met today for sharing their perspectives on the war.

Priorities remain:
➡️Protecting survivors of gender-based violence
➡️Implementing #WPS
➡️Supporting women's networks https://t.co/ced7srkuhL

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme