The Billboard Battalion is a grassroots community movement aimed at public education about what is truly happening regarding COVID, food supply issues, etc.
Updating information for Billboard Battalion’s protest rally in Canberra opposing the misinformation disinformation bill.
The rally will be held on the lawns in front of Parliament House Canberra on Wednesday 20th November, AT 11:45 AM START.
This rally is to show the Government that the people of Australia totally reject any bill, regulation or law that restricts or inhibits the Australian people’s right to free speech.
Bring your flags, signs and banners and as many people as you can encourage to come along.
Defeating this bill is of absolute critical importance. Please share our flyer as far and wide as many times as you can. This has all been done at very short notice as a matter of urgency. Let’s make this successful and show our politicians how the Australian people feel about this bill.
Billboard Battalion will be attending with the bus and as with many things that we do it costs a fair bit to organise, implement and attend. So any donations that people could make to assist us in the expenses would be greatly appreciated.
Billboard Battalion Inc. (Victorian Incorporation Number: A0121055Y)
Goulburn Murray Credit Union
Account name: Billboard Battalion Inc. BSB: 803 078
Account: 100 110 499
Thank you for everybody for your amazing support thus far, and we will see you there this coming Wednesday.
Farmer Wade Billboard Battalion Koyuga, Victoria, Australia Monday 18th November, 2024
Discussion of Channel 7 Interview at Bendigo - 24/8/2024
Well, today’s live has something new, something that is different to what we have done before in so much as we talk about yesterday’s event that we attended where Farmer Wade takes on Channel 7 and calls them out on camera for being the divisive liars and Government propaganda unit that they are.
An appraisal of the the National Ag Rally in Canberra - 12/9/2024
Today Farmer Wade gives an honest and straight shooting critique of not only the so called National Farmers Federation National Ag Rally but an overview of why Australian Agriculture is loosing farmers and is in so much trouble.