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250125 [WEVERSE COMMENT] 🐰 πŸ“It's not the selfie I took today, it's the one I took recently... Finally, D-DAY! I was so nervous that I couldn't sleep well.. MONSTIEZ It might be cold at the concert, so dress warmly. It might get hot while playing, so wear a light t-shirt inside See you later 🐰 βž– 🐰 πŸ“Itu bukan swafoto yang kuambil hari ini, itu swafoto yang kuambil baru-baru ini... Akhirnya, D-DAY! Aku sangat gugup sampai tidak bisa tidur nyenyak.. MONSTIEZ Mungkin cuaca di konser dingin, jadi pakailah pakaian hangat. Mungkin cuaca akan panas saat bermain, jadi pakailah kaus tipis di dalam ruangan Sampai jumpa nanti 🐰 πŸ‹ // @BABYMONSTERUPDATEINA
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