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[@WizardGameBot Update] The Wizard Game Bot has received an update with a few new game modes in order to have shorter games, since Wizard games tend to be very long. You can now use the following commands: /startfull Play a game with all rounds (like before this update) /starthalf Play a game with only even rounds (2, 4, 6, ...) /startshort Play a game with only half as many rounds as usual /startlate Play only the last third of a game's rounds. (For example, with 4 players, the game starts at round 10/15). /startgame Start a game with the preferred game mode of the group. Group admins can change that in /config, the default setting remains Full game. If you haven't heard of Wizard before, feel free to join @PlayWizard! The game is more complex than Thirty-One, but it's really fun :) πŸ’
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