Have you not said previously that migrants are almost ignorant??!
https://t.center/VergewaltigungFakten/430Well, the fact that you say "
we never said the word deportation, it was created by mass media" show exactly how you are ignorant, with no difference to other AfD politicians, Grüne, and let we say 99.99% of all politicians ...
why having fear to talk about "Deportation is the expulsion of a person or group of people from a territory" if deportation is part of the laws!
https://t.center/EthicalDilemmaHumanRights/103So this show even ignorance of other political party ...
Limiting migration, contrasting illegal migration, expelling criminals / rapers IS
NOT AN HUMAN RIGHT CRIME! but is a human right!
The court shall expel foreign nationals from Switzerland for a period of 5–
15 years if they are convicted of any of the following offences, irrespective of the sentence imposed:
sexual acts with children (Art. 187 para. 1), indecent assault (Art. 189), rape (Art. 190), sexual acts with persons incapable of judgement or resistance (Art. 191) https://perma.cc/6WM8-8MRZI Malmö tingrett er han nå dømt til fengsel i to år, pluss at han er dømt til utvisning fra Sverige på livstid, etter soning av straffen.
In Malmö district court, he has now been sentenced to prison for two years, plus he
has been sentenced to deportation from Sweden for life, after serving his sentence https://perma.cc/2ACT-ARHKThe Somali "Abdi" (28) has been deported from Norway after very violent rape attempts https://perma.cc/5WPR-TMND
DEPORTATION IS AN HUMAN RIGHT! exactly like death penalty!
So now if people with migration (which for AfD are mostly ignorant or need to be used for jobs that German don't want to do ... = HUMAN ABUSE!) are really ignorant, well we have the answer why they choice AfD