WhiteDate.Net - Dating Site for Awakened White, Europid People Only. The groups/ forum section is free to use to speak openly, make friends with other Whites in your region & build offline communities. Sign up if you want to preserve your folk & cult.
It’s unfortunate that I hear a lot of young families say they can’t afford to have children. Now is the time to start making changes, in your budget, your lifestyle and perspective.
Just think about how much you spend at the bar, on a new phone or on hobbies. If you put half of that money up a month you would have enough trust me. Investing in your children and future White children is paramount. It supersedes selfish actions.
How much does it cost to go on a walk and watch your kids throw sticks in a lake? No lake? How about a forest? How much does it cost to stack rocks up and hail the Gods?
Think about how much we venerate the Ancestors. Your children are Your legacy, you could and will be the Ancestor one day. Tell your children the stories of Our heros, Our Gods, Our people.
There will never be a “right” time to have children. Stop making excuses, make it happen.
I love to see these lovely trad wives telling the world politely that they are not going to be intimidated by anti-trad bullying. Stand strong, sisters!
We are not powerless. History has always been written by a small minority of determined individuals. Continue to spread the truth in your private circles.
Women prefer men who consistently and unapologetically pursue them. This does not mean that a man tolerates capricious behavior nor lets her use him as an ATM. Being a man of action is different from being a simp. In fact, she should try to please him by reacting in an agreeable, easygoing manner. If she doesn't, she is either not really interested and testing him or simply not the well-balanced partner he is looking for.
The whole veganism nonsense that weakens our people and adds to the increasing infertility is getting rebutted along the way. The message is simple: Live like our forebears did, and you can be healthy, happy, independent, and have plenty of children. How much the enemy must hate these content-creating White families popping up like mushrooms all over social media. How much they must hate the fact that an Aryan mother of eight can win Miss America, lol.
Daniel Neelemann teaching one of his 8 children to drive. His ballerina wife, Hannah, won various beauty pageants, pregnant or only weeks after having given birth. The millions of followers they have amassed are truly whitepilling. We are in a cultural war, and these people playfully deconstruct the modern values by setting neo-traditional standards, including home birth. BTW, they eat lots of meat and drink raw milk.
This message is old but still good. Write down your most important goals and prioritize them. Our time is limited. Although believing in reincarnation, I would say in the end: "I'll be back."
Building a relationship with a like-minded partner who shares our anthropological background is so much easier than trying to twist like a pretzel into someone who tolerates foreign standards, ethics, and behavior. 🥨