Understand what “False Light” actually is.
It’s something that gets you to go against your own inner guidance under the banner of “goodness” and “light”. This temptation can be even trickier to see because it proclaims to be “good”. As opposed to the dark temptations that most of us associate with the concept of Evil.
In esoteric teachings it is understood that the first entities you will encounter on your Journey are Luciferic — meaning the ones who are oriented only towards Spiritual matters and do not concern themselves with physical matters. As opposed to the Satanic influences that would have you only worry about physical / material things at the expense of all things spiritual.
You, as a human being, are made up of both of these opposing energies. Your task is BALANCE through the application of your Free Will and the choices that you make. Either extreme can be very detrimental.
If you missed my posts on this, I’d encourage you to go back. This is a really important piece of the picture IMO.
In this context true Goodness and Righteousness are found at the Balance point between these two energies. They are found within YOU. The Middle Path of Balance where you answer only to the Christ within you, NOT anything external.
This is the true meaning of being Sovereign and in order to grasp this, you must understand and embrace what you ARE. If you do not, you will continue to seek guidance from external sources, institutions and idols.
Do you see where the False Light really sits now?
@TruthRascalHQ ✨💕✨—10 June 2023—