🔖 Important Notice: ETH Pool Update!
We need a maximum patience for 20-30 minutes tops here as we optimize our ETH presence ahead of our initial CEX listing!!
Our hasty decision to open a USDT/YBR pair came with some limitations for ecosystem growth! Opening multiple pairs so early didn’t align with our strategic vision, so we’re transferring full liquidity to a new pair while holder numbers are still minimal and no harm is done!
⏳ This process will take just a few minutes, but we wanted to give you a heads-up to avoid any surprises!
🌐New link: (soon here)🚀Next stop: LP Farming pools as part of many upcoming community incentives! $YBR is officially kicking into high gear from this point forward!
Thank you for your patience and understanding - see you soon with a fresh, upgraded setup! 🙏🏻