Haha!the analogy of life to a circus is pretty interesting, isn't it?If we think of life as a circus,it's like we're all performers playing our parts in this grand act. Life,like a circus,has its ups and downs,its laughter and its tears. Sometimes,it feels like a beautiful performance, with colorful lights and applause.Other times,it feels like a chaotic mess,with all the lights going out and things falling apart.And just like in a circus,there are some who are the center of attention,while others are the unseen backstage workers.
من چیزی جز یک انسان بی هویت نیستم،ثبات هیچ چیز رو ندارم. تنها چیزی که دارم یک چیز ظاهریه،و اون چیزی نیست جز یک هاله چندش آور و وقیح که من رو احاطه کرده و فاصله زیادی بین من و همه ایجاد کرده؛من رو از همه دور کرده. میبینی این هاله چقدر منفوره؟یقینا تو هم داری میبینی.