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Professor Dr.Aylin Göztaş from Turkey. Ege University Our subject was The Assessment of Speaking Skills. As our department (foreign languages and literature) leads us to be teachers down the line, she provided us with a lot of new things, valuable insights and techniques in order to communicate with our students effectively, conduct meaningful lessons, assess them properly, so overall how to be a good teacher 👩‍🏫. And shared some stories from her 35 years of teaching experience. As I consider myself as someone who is quite receptive and who seeks new opportunities, knowledge to learn and novelty in life, i was really willing to listen to her lectures and embrace new things to put in action. And the lecture was not only informative but also engaging, which in my opinion, can be very beneficial in our future career, as i am a young educator now who is trying her best in order to be the best version of herself 💗
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
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