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I can sense there is an “Anaheim” inside you, based on the vibes that your account radiates and biography that slightly gives me hopeless romantic? But in opposite way. Anaheim is all about the fragility that can’t be healed, buried by the shadows of past, and the incapability to love someone else in a way that they deserve. But in your case, you are the one who love hard, you strive for the love, and who puts themselves aside for love. As if you really wouldn’t mind to sacrifice yourself for love. You’re willing to be drowned by the sea of flames as long as it’s for love and as long as you eventually be loved in a way that you deserve. Though, there are still the desires that you have to heal them, the belief that you can show them the love that they deserve. But unfortunately, they just won’t be healed——they found comfort in pains that they choose to live in. No matter how hard you try to hold their hands that filled by the thorns, it will just killed you at the end of the day. T.me/Sungzhoon
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
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