Architecture of the Byzantine world

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Project dedicated to the architecture of Orthodox countries and the Byzantine Empire. Russian version: @orthoarchRU ____________________________ Orthodox Directory: @Orthodox_Directory
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The Central Halls of Sofia - an old covered market of Bulgarian capital, renovated this year.

The building cleverly combines the Beaux-Arts, popular at the time of its creation, with the Byzantine revival.
A fragment of a Byzantine relief from the Archaeological Museum in Constantinople.

Many such images have survived in Italy, where they were transported from Byzantium or made locally by masters, but in Greece and Asia Minor it is rare to find them even in this form - iconoclasts and Muslims destroyed much of this great heritage.
An old travel palace of Catherine the Great in Krestsy, Russia, built in this small town in the transitional style between Baroque and Classicism. Later building served as the local magistrate.
The medieval church of Saint Nicholas in Ribița, Romania.

A month ago, the beautification of the territory and the restoration of this remarkable Transylvanian church were completed.
Complex masonry in the ancient village of Umm el-Jimal in Jordan, some of which Byzantine buildings are still in use.
The Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in the former royal village of Dedinovo, although it is one of the impressive monuments of Russian Mannerism, is almost unknown to the general public.

Despite the fact that the church was commissioned by a local merchant, its rich carvings mark the status of the village with a lion and a unicorn, a heraldic symbol that in pre-Petrine times related the Russian and English monarchies.
An Old Mostar Gymnasium, built under Austro-Hungary following the initiative of Serbian Church, but opened and used for all denominations and confessions.
One of the few remaining original frescoes in the Byzantine Saint Marina church of Muro Leccese, Italy.
One of the largest manors of the Moscow region that has survived to this day is Gorenki, an impressive monument of Russian classicism of the turn of the XVIII and XIX centuries.

The estate owes its grandeur to Count Alexei Grigorievich Razumovsky, Elizabeth Petrovna's favourite and the elder brother of Kirill Razumovsky, to whom he secured the title of the last Zaporozhie getman. Unlike his brother, he was serious in his attitude to the sciences, and at the estate not only maintained large collections, but also created the Gorenki Phytogeographical Society. Alas, after the Count's death, the heirs in his brother's line began to sell it off, and it fell into disrepair, aggravated by the consequences of the revolution. Fortunately, the palace is now being restored.
