Смотреть в Telegram
Let's embark on a journey through time and peek into the future of the Telegram messenger app. Imagine it's a sunny day in 2018. You find yourself juggling multiple tasks - ordering a hard-to-find book from Amazon, getting takeout from your cherished neighborhood diner, and not forgetting to secure flight tickets for that much-anticipated holiday trip. For each task, you switch between numerous apps, your fingers tirelessly tapping and swiping, ensuring everything is in order. Fast forward to a breezy afternoon in 2030. Seated in the cozy corner of your office, you open Telegram during lunch. With just a few taps, you order your favorite dinner right from the app. Feeling spontaneous, you quickly send out an invite to your closest friends to join. As you continue your chat, Telegram discreetly sends split bills to each of them. No need for separate apps or intricate calculations. You simply press "pay the bill," and like magic, Telegram takes care of the rest. Lost in the thrill of the evening plans, you suddenly remember you haven't gotten that stylish jacket for your London escapade. Without missing a beat, you place the order on Telegram. As you're about to continue your conversation, the app nudges you gently, reminding you about that yet-to-be-confirmed flight ticket, even offering to streamline the details for you. All of this, every intricate detail, housed within a single application. Now, take a moment and ponder - which payment method do you think will handle all these expenses? And on what platform will these transactions materialize within Telegram? Did we overlook anything in this future?
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